Help My Guinea Pig Is Starting To Bully Her Friend

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New Born Pup
Jun 24, 2016
Reaction score
My guinea pig Calico the shy sassy one has started to bully her bonded friend Snowy. She will nibble on her butt, chase her, squeak in her ear and push her out of the way for water. I have no idea what to do?
There is going to be dominance behavior, especially if you have what is nearing to be teenage girls. Please get 2 waters bottles and food dishes to help reduce tension. You may also need to remove hides that only have one entrance. It doesn't sound too severe so hopefully they'll grow out of it in a bit, just keep an eye on them
In the mean time offer them both some watery veg so you know that Snowy is getting the hydration she needs :) cucumber is a big hit with my two
It sounds like normal dominance behavior to me. It's good to have doubles of food/water/hideys so that no one pig is denied access to the necessities. It's also possible that Calico is experiencing some hormones or is in heat, which can provoke more noticeable dominance behaviors, more so in some pigs than others. If it's hormonal, it should settle down again within a few days. Hormonal behavior is more noticeable in some pigs than others, and may be stronger in some seasons than others.
My guinea pig Calico the shy sassy one has started to bully her bonded friend Snowy. She will nibble on her butt, chase her, squeak in her ear and push her out of the way for water. I have no idea what to do?

Is she coming into season? Teenage sows can be a bit hormonal at times and can have stronger seasons. they can also try to push the envelope the same as human teenagers try to push their boundaries.
Please don't worry; the behaviour is very much in the mild range still.
Thanks everyone.
Mayne Calico just has hormones.
She and her bonded friend are 1 so they are not appearching teenage years
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