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Help, my guinea pig is hurt!

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I'm a new guinea pig owner, and I noticed today that my piggy isnt putting any weight on his bottom right foot. When he moves around, that foot is raised up so it doesn't touch the floor, and he just hobbles on 3 legs. I looked at it, to see if anything is wrong with it, but it looks normal. Does anyone know whats wrong with her? I'm really worried and don't want her to be in pain. Please get back to me!
I'm not sure what it could be as I'm new to piggies too. it might be a condition called bumblefoot, I'm really not sure - hopefully someone will be able to help. :)
Does she use the leg at all?
It could be a number of things - the worst a broken bone. Something stuck in her foot. DJD degenerative joint disease - will need anti-inflamatories & pain relief such as Rimadyl. Or possibly if there is swelling the start of Bumblefoot (but doesn't sound like it).
A rescue pig I took in had similar symptoms & my vet thought it was an infection in his foot so gave a dose of anti-biotics. It wasn't that at all - I took him to the CCT (Cambridge Cavy Trust) and he was diagnosed with DJD. I seriously think that she needs to see a vet - & mention all of the things suggest above. Vets aren't taught 'Guinea pigs' & are mostly pretty clueless but should be inteligent enough to diagnose a broken bone from a joint problem. Give the CCT a call first though. The number is at the top of the Health & Illness section.

Hope this helps.
If the nails are too long, the pig can't put weight on the foot - but be very careful cutting them as there are blood vessels which can bleed badly if you cut too short. Do you think she has cut the foot itself ? Is there any sign of blood in the hutch? Could it be a sharp piece of hay?

I suggest you have a very gentle look and, if there is nothing obvious, go to the vet ASAP. You have to move very quickly with guineas.

Good luck. Let us know x
my buddy had this problem a few months ago, i checked him out and couldn't see anything wrong and he was affectionate which isn't normal :-\ he cuddled up on my lap and stayed there most of the day, he was eating and drinking and if i touched his leg didn't seem to be in pain, put him to bed and the next morning he was running round good style and back to ignoring me,
like all kids they want their mummy when they are ill :D

i think he had strained it when jumping of his house, hopefully yours has just pulled a muscle, if it goes on more than a day or you are worried get her to the vets. just check for redness or any bits stuck in her foot. if she is showing signs of pain then go to vets asap.

hope all goes well
definatly not bumble foot I am battling that at the moment and you would notice a very swollen pad and ulcer type sores on it its not something you would miss but the girls have listed all that it could be so please see a vet asap for a definate diagnosis, good luck
Thanks for your replies. I checked her again this morning, and she seemed almost normal. She's using that foot again, but it seems like she is a little bit more gentle on it. There is no blood or anything that I can see. I use fleece bedding thats a very light grey color, so I would notice any bleeding. I'll keep a very close eye on her and if she's not a 100% better in a day or 2 I'll take her to the vet. Unless you think I should take her right away anyways.
how old is your piggy? is she a baby or have you adopted an older pig from a rescue or something. If so, why not ask the previous owner if the piggy has had problems like this before. It might help you to find out what it is.
That's good news - she prob just sprained it. suppose if we had 4 legs & we hurt one we would go around on 3 till it healed!
She's only around 8-9 weeks old. I think I found out what was wrong with her. It turned out she just broke a nail!. When I was looking at her foot under the sun, I noticed a piece of her nail was chipped, so I trimmed it off, and she seems to be back to normal now. :) Can't believed I was so worried over a broken nail :P
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