Help! My baby Guinea Pig only eats the seed pod of the hay.


New Born Pup
Feb 19, 2019
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Hello people, I just got a guinea pig 4 days ago now. I think she is a baby because she is very tiny. So, I bought her Timothy grass and she only eats very little of it. I have had to dump the rest out. She will especially only eat the seed pod that looks like soft threads of hair. I don't know how to get her to eat the other hay if she wants to at all. She also won't eat fruits or vegetables. She won't eat her vitamin C guinea pig food much at all. I have a picky little guinea pig! Can anyone give me some pointers? Thank you so much in advance. :)
I’d try another type of hay. As for veggies (and fruits though only as a treat), it may be a case of persistence. Our girls didn’t like celery but will now eat it. What hay and veg was she eating where you got her from?

Vitamin C is in peppers so try her on the different colours.

It also might be an idea to think about getting her a friend. Young guinea pigs learn what to eat from older ones, and they are herd animals.

Have a read through this feeding guide. And this guide on companionship.
Thanks for your replay! I would love to get her a friend. I will have to go back to the pet store and ask them what they were feeding her. I will also think about getting her a friend for sure! I do feel bad that she doesn't have a companion. However, I do live in a small apartment, and her cage is perfect for her size only. I'm just worried that I won't have anywhere to put them if I get another one. :(
How big is her cage? With girls you can get away with 140cm, though bigger I’d always better. And are there any rescues near you? I’d recommend one she can go dating and choose her own companion.
Ah, got you! I will definitely check around to see. Well, she is a little baby, and the lady at the pet store recommended a 76cm cage. It probably is too small but we do take her out into the living room a lot to play around. So, it might not be possible to get another one as much as I'd like to :/
That’s really way too small, even with regular floor time :-( I’m sorry you were sold that as suitable and that you were sold only one pig. Please do try to get a bigger cage as a first thing and same-sex companion if you can. Aim for at least 120cm x 60cm if she is a girl.
Living in a 76cm cage is a bit like you living only in your bathroom; she’ll be inactive and bored, and probably lonely. Not to mention that you must need to clean it out about every 30 seconds! (Larger cages are easier to keep clean)
Pigs are ground-roaming group animals and used to moving around a lot at dawn and dusk with their groups - they are not wired to live on their own.
What country are you in? This will help people advise viable options
Unfortunately you were sold a cage that was far to small for your little girl. When I had piggies 14 years ago I was sold a 100cm x 50cm cage for 2 boars which is far too small. My Mum's partner made them a lovely hutch which was 4ft x 2 ft and they were much happer. Pet shops often try to sell smaller cages to new piggy parents as "starter cages" so you go back and buy another the correct size. I kept my 100cm cage and it is now my hospital cage.