Help me with handling?

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I have had my 2 boys for about 6 weeks. I started off with the very gentle tempting them out with food then then little strokes before picking them up. One responde quite well, he is pretty easy to catch.

The other (Scampy) won't take food from my fingers, hides away when I go near the cage and has to be chased around (which must be pretty stressful for him) when I want to get him out.

Once out he is fine, eats and will be stroked, everything, just hates being picked up. He wheeked like mental for the first time when I caught him this weekend.

Should I stop trying to handle him or handle him more?

I don't know if it's releveant but Scampy is the one likely to become the more dominant, he is constantly rumbling at the other and I am just waiting in the hope that things to settle down.
I think alot of piggies are like this. Mine run under their house so I have to take it out the cage before I can pick them up. My Frank (RIP :'() was the same as your scampy yet once I had hold of him he loved it! He would settle down on my lap looking really aristocratic! My other pig Murran would only come out once Frank was out first. Them Murran would come over to the front of the cage & put his feet up on it ready to come out! When Frank died I wondered how Murran would be but he was fine & would come over, put his feet up & out I would get him. Now he has a new piggie pal it's back to him not coming out until Gilbert is taken out first! :D
My new piggie is exacyly the same and I think they all are to start with. My baby pig wheeks when I touch her i think it's because their scared!
My eldest was like this to start with to but now she's happy to be handled O0
My advice would be to keep picking them up and keep trying to feed them from your hand!
Dont give up and the work will pay of in the end O0

Please don't worry, Sevi was like that once. But years of patience and love has paid off and now she enjoys being handled and doesn't run away, in fact quite the opposite. :smitten:

Now all I've got to do is finish taming Nutmeg....
I am going through exactly the same thing :D Bob is fine being picked up and Brian is doing exactly what your pig is doing! I am perservering and at times I have put a box in and he automatically goes into it( which is a help), and he is then a lot easier to pick up...I am not sure whether this is more stressful by him being in a smaller box, but he seems comfortable goin into it and it is only short term....maybe you could try this with yours untill they are used to you? 98)
mines the same and hes 2 i think the more you do it the better they get - but as you know they are prey animals and its a bit like a giant picking us up ;D

i find that talking to him while picking mine up helps loads, he calms mine down - if i were to just grab him he would be nervous.

As your baby gets use to you he will improve , just handle him every day and give him a cuddle and put him back then extend the time you hold him, this worked for me.

hope ive helped ;)
my one runs away aswell, I was wondering how do you all pick yours up, i'm scared I'm doing it wrong therfor hurting him !
seren6025 said:
I am going through exactly the same thing :D Bob is fine being picked up and Brian is doing exactly what your pig is doing! I am perservering and at times I have put a box in and he automatically goes into it( which is a help), and he is then a lot easier to pick up...I am not sure whether this is more stressful by him being in a smaller box, but he seems comfortable goin into it and it is only short term....maybe you could try this with yours untill they are used to you? 98)
I have a childrens story book called My Best Friend Bob. It is about 2 Guinea pigs called Brian and Bob. Is this where you got your guineas names from? It is a lovely story.
;D ;D Yea Wind 1 it is! :D My little boy and I thought they were pretty cool names for guinea pigs! Good spotting! What are yours called?
Ready? Toffee, Angel, Rolo, Mischief, Mop and Miss Mouse. These are the girls. Then the boys, Bazil, Truffle and Minstrel.
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