Help. I've fed the guineas salad dressing.

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Jun 4, 2007
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Last night i tipped a bag of moxed salad straight into their pen. When i went in there this morn i found a packet of balsamic dressing half nibbled.

They are all ok at present but I'm worried i've harmed them 8...
oh no! i dont know what to say about the vinger, but the plastic may be dangerous for them. i would take them to the vets if i were you. are they all acting normally?
did they eat it? would have thought they would ignore it disgruntled.....
they **** tasted or smelted it and thought "what are you thinking mrs!"
if they seem ok i wouldnt worry, i think they would just ignore it
They are all fine. They wouldnt have eaten much plastic, it really was a tiny nibble. They dressing had leaked out but I'm assuming that one of them tasted it and then left it. I'm such an idiot.
My boar always pulls bin bags through the bars and eats them, he's a nightmare! I bet it was him.
They are all fine. They wouldnt have eaten much plastic, it really was a tiny nibble. They dressing had leaked out but I'm assuming that one of them tasted it and then left it. I'm such an idiot.
no,your not missy!

i'm sure they're ok. i jut had visions of them nibbling the whole sachet!

my piggies eat the plastic when I'm feeding them, it's as though they really cant wait to get to the food! greedy piggies
I think i'll give them only hay and pellets today to avoid any runny bums. I didnt realise there was a dressing in there.
I dont keep bin bags next to the pen. When i clean them out i put the bag next to it. Is that ok?
Can I ask why do you keep bin bags next to your guinea pig cage?

sometimes they're full of food i guess and piggies are good at sticking their noses through the bars further than you could ever imagine!
I dont keep bin bags next to the pen. When i clean them out i put the bag next to it. Is that ok?

Fair enough, but if he chews/eats the bin bags you probably shouldn't put them within reaching distance
Fair enough, but if he chews/eats the bin bags you probably shouldn't put them within reaching distance

Thanks for the advice! I really wouldnt have thought of that. He will climb and stretch to reach them. It has happened on two occassions. Once was my fault and the second my OHs fault. So i am not continously endangering him.
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