I got two boars from a pet shop that was closing down and i hate to think what they were gonna do to them. Anyway I had room in my outbuidinds with the bunnies but kept seperate of coarse. They are farther (guinea) and son (frodo). Guinea is 2 and frodo is quite young as he's grown alot but they never said how old he is. Everything was fine until a few days ago. Frodo has started sleeping in the cage area and guinea in the bedded area. When i go near frodo does run in the bedded area but they are quite shy.
Everyday they go into a large run and at first they were really happy and jumping and good friends but now they seem a little distant. Tonight when i went with their veggies and things guinea came to the front of the run and frodo stayed back, but they were both chatty. This is normal. After i caught them they both hid in the bedded area and i was catching my bunnies and i heard a grr and frodo came running out with guniea chasing but then they stopped. I have had a look at frodo and he dosn't seem to have been bitten but should i seperate them or is this a dominance thing and will it calm down? I have had them for about 8 wks now. I dont really want to seperate them as they will get lonely wont they? HELP PLEASE!! :-\
Everyday they go into a large run and at first they were really happy and jumping and good friends but now they seem a little distant. Tonight when i went with their veggies and things guinea came to the front of the run and frodo stayed back, but they were both chatty. This is normal. After i caught them they both hid in the bedded area and i was catching my bunnies and i heard a grr and frodo came running out with guniea chasing but then they stopped. I have had a look at frodo and he dosn't seem to have been bitten but should i seperate them or is this a dominance thing and will it calm down? I have had them for about 8 wks now. I dont really want to seperate them as they will get lonely wont they? HELP PLEASE!! :-\