Help identify these hays


New Born Pup
Jul 11, 2023
Reaction score
Tehran, Iran

Would you help me identify the three certainly different types of hay in this picture? I've marked them as A, B, and C.

Please note that the C type is what small amount was left in the bag. It's not usually this leafy. In fact, it's the thinnest hay I've ever bought and snap quite easily unlike the others; to the point that I wonder if C is hay or grass. So, please don't focus on the leafs/powder in it.
The packaging of hay produced in my country doesn't specify the type and the sellers never know the difference either because guinea pigs and rabbits are not very common here.


  • 1.webp
    91.9 KB · Views: 2
  • 11.webp
    89.8 KB · Views: 2
  • Hay A.webp
    Hay A.webp
    65.3 KB · Views: 2
  • Hay B.webp
    Hay B.webp
    56.8 KB · Views: 2
  • Hay C.webp
    Hay C.webp
    86.3 KB · Views: 2
It is very hard (probably impossible) to identify a hay from pictures. Each type has so much variety dependent upon when it was cut. Also, in the uk we will have different grass types to you so the hay may be types that don’t even exist over here!
Sorry to not be of more help.
Hay varies massively depending on when it was cut (as said above). Climate is affecting hay growth and cuts massively at the moment, internationally. Our usual hay suppliers in the UK (that have always supplied our horses) had real trouble with the hay cuts last year. We had very hot dry weather early spring, and then lots of rainfall (and spring like weather) in the summer. So essentially the grass was getting more and more spring time. This resulted in cuts of very green, very rich hay (our farmers refer to it as 'rocket fuel' because of the extremely high sugar levels and nutrient content). The greener hay is, the better quality/newer cuts. That's not to say more golden hay isn't quality, it is just older or was cut at a different time.
Rich hay is great for guinea pigs, but unfortunately for us, not great for horses.

As said above, your grass cuts and types may also vary massively where you are