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HELP! Guineapig not eating and teeth are blackish from the tips!


New Born Pup
Dec 17, 2023
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My girl has been not eating properly in the past few days and I've been feeding her critical care.
She's lost some weight too so I've been keeping an eye on her weight . She's not eating the hay and tries to eat the salads but gives up .

The vet is so far from where I live as in the uk they barely have guineapig specialist but I'm defo gonna see if I can take her asap but the vet only works some days and is always full.

Before that she had a bacterial infection and they found fluid in her lungs which we managed with some medication as she was drinking so much water. She's much better with that but the past few days been stress over her.

Is there anyone who has had the same experience?
I'm so sorry to hear your piggy is ill- she definitely needs to see a vet ASAP. Have you tried looking at our vet locator to find a recommended vet near you? Roughly whereabouts in the UK do you live (if you don't mind me asking)? Recommended Guinea Pig Vets
Luton . The vet I have taken her to is 45min by car but I don't drive so its 1hr 40mi by train and bus
Idk if her teeth are too long or what it is. But that's how they look with them becoming black from the tip


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How much support feed are you getting into her a day?
If your piggy is not eating you should be aiming, in an ideal world, to get as much critical care in as possible.

Are her bottom teeth going over her top teeth? From the image you posted it sort of looks as if her bottom teeth are longer.
Are there any vets closer to you that could help?
How much support feed are you getting into her a day?
If your piggy is not eating you should be aiming, in an ideal world, to get as much critical care in as possible.

Are her bottom teeth going over her top teeth? From the image you posted it sort of looks as if her bottom teeth are longer.
Are there any vets closer to you that could help?
I've found two but I've to call them in the morning to get an emergency appointment for her.
I've figured out that both her teeth seem over grown cause I was talking to my mum and she mentioned that she's not been chewing on the wooded house for a the past 4 days.
And my critical care just finished now but I should be getting another one delivered tomorrow. I've been aiming to feed her 3 times a day and just managed to also hand feed her some lettuce by pushing it behind her teeth in small pieces
Have you mixed the critical care with banana? Sometimes when I give mine banana it can stain their teeth. If they have lots of hay that grinds their teeth down. They don't need to chew wood if they have enough hay.

Sounds like he needs to see a vet though. Good luck at the vets
Have you mixed the critical care with banana? Sometimes when I give mine banana it can stain their teeth. If they have lots of hay that grinds their teeth down. They don't need to chew wood if they have enough hay.

Sounds like he needs to see a vet though. Good luck at the vets
No I haven't mixed it with banana , the blacking of the teeth has me also stressed. Yh but she's got the habit of doing that through the day and she is always eating and walking around etc but the past 4 days it's been non of it.
Thank you I hope I can get an appointment tomorrow
I've found two but I've to call them in the morning to get an emergency appointment for her.
I've figured out that both her teeth seem over grown cause I was talking to my mum and she mentioned that she's not been chewing on the wooded house for a the past 4 days.
And my critical care just finished now but I should be getting another one delivered tomorrow. I've been aiming to feed her 3 times a day and just managed to also hand feed her some lettuce by pushing it behind her teeth in small pieces
Please make sure you weigh her every morning and get enough critical care into her to keep her weight stable each day. That is a minimum of 60ml per day and can mean she needs feeding every couple of hours depending on how much she takes at each sitting - If you are feeding her three times a day she needs to be taking at least 20ml per sitting. If she is taking 10 ml per sitting then she needs to be fed at least 6 times a day - but the daily weight checks are your guide

If you have run out of critical care then please mush normal guinea pig pellets with water and syringe that to her until you get more critical care.

Guinea pig teeth are long. If the front teeth are slanted then it usually means the problem is with the back teeth. The abrasive action of chewing hay keeps the molars at the correct length. The incisors are self sharpening and are kept at the correct length because of the action at the back.

Please read the guides below.

Emergency and Crisis Care as well as Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures
How's she doing now? ❤
I got her front teeth trimmed but can't see the guineapig vet until Friday as the local vet don't have the equipment to check her molers .

She's trying to eat today but I'm assuming she's in pain as she's been making more noises then normal And still doesn't wonns use her front teeth.

The local vet did give pain killers for her to take once a day until the 3ml finishes . I've been giving her critical care and also gonna try some mashed veg tonight.

Over all the eating isn't happening but she's trying and she defo is more active today with wanting to try
I got her front teeth trimmed but can't see the guineapig vet until Friday as the local vet don't have the equipment to check her molers .

She's trying to eat today but I'm assuming she's in pain as she's been making more noises then normal And still doesn't wonns use her front teeth.

The local vet did give pain killers for her to take once a day until the 3ml finishes . I've been giving her critical care and also gonna try some mashed veg tonight.

Over all the eating isn't happening but she's trying and she defo is more active today with wanting to try

Hopefully an experienced vet can have a look at her and sort things out. Painkillers once a day isn’t usually enough, piggies always need their painkillers twice a day due to their fast metabolism.
unfortunately you don’t want a vet who doesn’t know what they are doing to touch their teeth.

are you weighing her daily?
Hopefully an experienced vet can have a look at her and sort things out. Painkillers once a day isn’t usually enough, piggies always need their painkillers twice a day due to their fast metabolism.
unfortunately you don’t want a vet who doesn’t know what they are doing to touch their teeth.

are you weighing her daily?
Yh I was thinking to split it up in two dosage and give it in the morning and evening

And yh I've been weighing her in the morning and before bed
Yh I was thinking to split it up in two dosage and give it in the morning and evening

And yh I've been weighing her in the morning and before bed

You shouldn’t split it without the vet’s say so. If the dose isn’t a big one then splitting it could render each dose too small and therefore ineffective.
Your piggy really needs to be seen by an experienced vet.

Only weigh once a day (in the morning). Weighing twice a day picks up too much.
You shouldn’t split it without the vet’s say so. If the dose isn’t a big one then splitting it could render each dose too small and therefore ineffective.
Your piggy really needs to be seen by an experienced vet.

Only weigh once a day (in the morning). Weighing twice a day picks up too much.
She's taking metacam 0.5mg/ml 3ml once s day. I was going to do 1.5ml as I noticed the veti went to has general knowledge and experience with them as he did mention 3ml as guinepigs metabolism is fast but i noticed that by the evening she's back to sitting in one place and nor wanting to try to eat or move her mouth much except lick