Help.... Guinea Pig Scrap!

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Feb 1, 2009
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I am posting this on behalf of my sister in law because she doesnt know what to do and i am not g.pig expert. She has 4 girl g.pigs, 2 are quite new, had them about a month now and have been getting on fine. Roise is quite old and the vet has said she hasnt got long left. My sister in law thought she was dying yesturday so she brought her inside. When she put her back one of the new guinea pigs attacked her. My sister in law doesnt know what to do now? Advice please. Thanks.
did she draw blood? i assume your sister in law seperated them after this happened? I would suggest bathing them all to eliminate smells, cleaning the cage out again and re-introducing them in a neutral area, if they still fight then you will probably have to keep them seperated. I'm not an expert though, this is just what i've picked up from reading posts on here, i've never had to do it myself.
The younger guinea is trying her luck at being boss pig. Really, one shouldn't take a guinea away from a group if at all possible, or at least take a friend too.
She will have to reintroduce the group on neutral territory i.e another room, a run etc..plenty of distractions and toys/veg and the larger the space the better (unlike buns). She needs to scrub the cage/hutch and disinfect and once rebonded, then pop them back in. Things should settle down :)
I agree with Lavenderjade ... you will have to eliminate all their smells and start again.

I think piggies can have very short memories. Sometimes you only have to part them for a very short period of time and then suddenly they seem like they have never met before.

Mine either live in pairs or trios, so if a trip to the vet is needed, the companions go as well.

Hopefully all will settle down again soon.
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