Help! Guinea Fight. Need Advice.


New Born Pup
Jun 2, 2022
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Hey all,
I have 3 boars who have all been separated at one point or another because of compatibility. I got a new cage and paired two of them together- there has been basic behavior of them trying to establish who is boss, I’ve had guineas for years so I wasn’t super concerned. They’re the same size same age even adopted at the same time from my local shelter. I just went to check in on them and I noticed a cut on one of the faces (near his little mouth) of one of my boys. This is the first time I have ever had one of my pigs draw blood. I’ve got the cut all rinsed and what have you and he’s doing better but I dont believe I should put them back together. Here’s the deal- my other boar who is housed alone currently is particularly little compared to the others which is why he’s alone. I want at least a pair but I worry- when they’re the same size one can hold his ground but if my smaller boar gets put in there I worry he won’t be able to properly defend himself if I am away and cant intervene in a fight between the two. Did I mess up by keeping them separated this long? I looked into it and posts said that it shouldn’t be a problem but I have never seen 3 boars habe this big of an issue with one another. I usually just let them get it out but now that one has an injury the game has changed. I will take any and all advice and critque. I just want my boys to be happy healthy and safe.
Unfortunately boat trios are highly unlikely to work out, especially when they’re still in their teens (4-14 months). The cut may have been a misplaced swipe when the piggy was defending itself. How old are they all? Do the pair have a big enough cage and two of everything? And do the hides all have two exits?

If you have separated the pair then you will need to reintroduce them on neutral ground. But keep a close eye on them just to be sure.

Is the lone boar living alongside them? He still needs company even if through a divider.
Unfortunately boat trios are highly unlikely to work out, especially when they’re still in their teens (4-14 months). The cut may have been a misplaced swipe when the piggy was defending itself. How old are they all? Do the pair have a big enough cage and two of everything? And do the hides all have two exits?

If you have separated the pair then you will need to reintroduce them on neutral ground. But keep a close eye on them just to be sure.

Is the lone boar living alongside them? He still needs company even if through a divider.
They’re all about a year old, so not super in their teens but still there. The lone boar is living alongside them with a divider between them. The pair has a cage large enough to comfortably fit 4 pigs. I had an extra older cage so they are currently separated. They do all have two of everything and each hideaway does have two exits. They would exist perfectly fine with one another and then out of nowhere it would be a full on brawl. I’m coming to accept the fact they may just not be compatible. I want to reintroduce them- most definitely on a neutral ground. How much cool down time should I give them do you think? Thank you for responding and giving your insight:)
Give them a couple of days. But what I would recommend is you don’t try and rebound the trio. Think about which two seemed to get on beat and try them together. Then either get the lone piggy a friend or have him live alongside the park.
You can certainly try the already single piggy with one of the others and see what happens. Physical size doesn’t mean much - it’s all about character compatibility.
If two piggies are fighting, then it’s game over between them.
Sadly a boar trio is not likely to work for the long term, and ending up with three single piggies out of a failed trio is always a real possibility. Hopefully you can make a pair out of the other two, but planning for all three of them to have to live in separate cages is a wise move in this situation.