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Help! Fizzi's foot?

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Adult Guinea Pig
Nov 13, 2006
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Fizzi my son's guinea pig (but they are really all mine!have 3 guinea pigs) anyway she was fine on Friday night,but yesterday morning noticed that Fizzi wasn't standing on her front left foot.Holding it up,even 'bunny hopping' so not too put weight on the foot!She was lying down so not to put weight on foot!Looked at her foot no redness or swelling,it was clean no visible injury(no cut or blood).She didn't squeak when i held her foot!Also checked her leg no squeaking.She is eating and perky! So what could be wrong' she will be 1year old 10th march,her brother and sister are both fine!If no better,will take to vet tommorrow! Any advice! Wondering if she could have strained a muscle!
Well after reading all the threads relating to "feet",thought it would be that she had pulled a muscle.But just now i've put the guinea pigs out on this beautiful sunny day,checked Fizzi's foot and it looks like "bumble foot" so i've clean hutch so nice and dry!There are "crusty bits" on bottom of foot! Is there anything that i can do till i get to vets tomorrow! what about a warm bath to "clean" feet! or not.Could i put "sudocream" on foot have used it on rabbits ,please help if you can.
as you know i'm battling it at the moment maybe its the change in the weather but there seems to be some bad feet problems going round, bumble foot is said to be in bad hutch conditions but that is definalty not in my case and probably none of us, it can be becasue of bad circulation due to heart probs umm wonder if this is dobbys reason, anyway the foot looks like it has hard patches on it which are in fact ulcers, the ulcers need to dry up and drop off which has happened to 2 of dobbys one to go,
vedra said the swelling could go up his leg but not in dobbys case, see your vet, but buy some bepanthen nappy cream and anti bacterial hand wash, good luck let us know how you get on,
michellemuffin said:
as you know i'm battling it at the moment maybe its the change in the weather but there seems to be some bad feet problems going round,

Just what i was thinking, though I can't imagine the weather influencing it? Heaven knows what it is?

bad news Dobbys not been eating much for a few days and have just noticed why, the infection has now srpead to his bottom lips and nose, its crusty and dry no doubt he has been washing himself with his front feet which are the ones infected, seen him do it a few times but it never occured to me it would spread 98) :~D
so it has now been washed in antibacterial wash and some of the scabs dropped off so bepanthen has been rubbed in, 3 times a day, he is being syringe fed but is also eating a little of his dry food and hay and has eaten some banana, my poor precious baby I am so worried, he is eating critical care and some babay food in between as he loves it,
michellemuffin said:
bad news Dobbys not been eating much for a few days and have just noticed why, the infection has now srpead to his bottom lips and nose, its crusty and dry no doubt he has been washing himself with his front feet which are the ones infected, seen him do it a few times but it never occured to me it would spread 98) :~D
so it has now been washed in antibacterial wash and some of the scabs dropped off so bepanthen has been rubbed in, 3 times a day, he is being syringe fed but is also eating a little of his dry food and hay and has eaten some banana, my poor precious baby I am so worried, he is eating critical care and some babay food in between as he loves it,

Oh no! The poor little man! I hope he is soon feeling better. Hopefully now you are treating it it will start to improve quickly. Never thought about it spreading! :(

Keep eating and you will soon feel better! :-*
Oh Michellemuffin so sorry to hear that Dobby is still not well,hopefully it will get better soon! I'll buy some bepanthen tomorrow,can i buy it from local chemist?So very pleased that i found this forum, i can chat to other Guinea pig lovers,most my friends are not animally people, never mind the Guinea pigs.Going to vets tomorrow, taking all three so they can all be checked!
Gaile, that was very quick of you to read up and get some info and discover what your little Fizzi has, good luck at the vets tomorrow with all three furbabies :-* :-* :-* Extra ones for Fizzi :-* :-* :-*

So sorry to hear little Dobby has now infected his mouth, poor little love :-* :-*
Don't be so hard on yourself :-*
You know how quickly they can do these things to themselves <sigh>
Wishing you all the best and extra piggie kisses to Dobby
Glynis and Duke :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
hi Gaile yes you cna get it from chemists I got mine from boots, Dobbys is really quite poorly now am syringe feeding him bathing mouth and foot and creaming it up with thick cream, but looks like it might not go my way he is very miserable then has moments of being lively, good luck at vets let us know whats happening

Glynis, I am so worried about my dobbs he is very special to me have bathed his mouth and foot still cannot believe he infected his mouth,phoned vet and he said I am doing all I can that it might have spread into his mouth which could be why he wont eat, but baytril is the accepted medication and he is on it already have added some drops of Rescue remedy to his food when I syringe it in,
have put off taking kids to movies today to watch out for him as I am so worried,
Tried to pm you, your pm box is full i can guess why, just want you to know how much we are thinking of you both i know how much you care for your furbabies :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
michellemuffin said:
already have added some drops of Rescue remedy  to his food when I syringe it in
that stuff is great it calms me down heaps lol...

hope he gets better soon!
Could the soreness around his mouth be more to do with a reaction to what you are washing/putting on his feet (and he is ingesting) rather than infection?
Just a thought/feeling I have :-\

Are you still giving him Rimadyl? I know the CCT said to use it but it is drug with a bit of a dodgy reputation and many dog owners shy away from it. My own past dog had a reaction to it and I refused to give it again to any animal.

Rimadyl Dangers]


p.s If you are interested and can get some ~ Crab aapple (cleansing) and Olive(exhaustion) Bach Remedies might be helpful for the little guy.
was also wondering if the stuff Vedra suggested could be making him worse by licking it off his feet am going to phone her in a minute to ask for her advice,
I stopped the Rimydil last week only gave it to him for about 4 to 5 days his foot is definatly on the mend swelling down and redness going, he is hungry eating the critical care like a pig lol jsut his mouth and round his nose is scabby maybe its in side his mouth as well, will add thoses RR to his other medication, let you know what Vedra suggests
YIPPEE been to the vets it's NOT Bumble foot, just a little crusty bit.Vet gave me some hibiscrub to wash feet.How often do i need to do this?Also it only cost me,wait for it £7.53 the medcine(£3,83) cost more than the consult (£3.70) My vet usuall very good.

Glynis, my hubby thinks he his a guinea pig forum widow,just like i use to be a bike widow! Now spent hours on forum,sooo more information!

Michellemuffin really hope that your little man is ok. sending BIG HUGS & LOVES
its always handy to have in stock, just thoguht i'd let you know Dobbs is living the high life indoors with me in a mini run with cucumber a real fav at the moment maybe his mouth is sore and its nice and cool hes been muching a little hay and tried a bit of his food, drinking a lot though, m,y daughters fur real guinea pig she got for christmas is in run with him to keep him company daft mare aint I?
he sniffs it and lies looking at it, max the dog lies next to him but if we look at him he pretends not to be looking at dobby we say to him I saw you looking and he looks the opposite way as if to say no you didn't the pair of them are so funny at the moment, ;D
Gaile, LOL my OH today looked at me at work on the forum and didn't even blink, well trained eh ;D ;D ;D ;D
Great news for you what a relief good luck with the feet washing, they do so hate baths ::)

Michelle that's priceless it must be sooo cute, get a pic if you can :-* :-* :-* :-*
michellemuffin you maybe a "daft mare" but you are "a canny mare" too!

Fizzi let me wash her foot,then put bit of sudocream on.Not limping and vet said it looked like a callus.

Just wondering what do other people have in their Guinea Pig first aid kit,i use sudocream on the rabbits on scratches or cuts!
as you know my poor baby died today but tried everything suggested he jsut gaev up I think he had had enough, anyway first aid box mine is actually a 5 drawer chest top drawer is full of things like creams medicines and feet and mouth gels dioralite magnesium of sulphate white sticking plaster melanin pads for under bandages and plasters, fiberplex and other probiotic Avipro, crictical care( hugh tub) some baytril eye gels bepanthen, Bach rescue remedys, vit c and calcium tabs brewers yeast tabs,pain relief metacam and calpol thats just a few of the stuff i have , lots more of course shampoos and sprays for bugs trigene for disenfecting hibiscrub , etc etc, probably forgot some important ones but have been adding to it for ages,
michellemuffin said:
as you know my poor baby died today but tried everything suggested he jsut gaev up I think he had had enough, anyway first aid box mine is actually a 5 drawer chest top drawer is full of things like creams medicines and feet and mouth gels dioralite magnesium of sulphate white sticking plaster melanin pads for under bandages and plasters, fiberplex and other probiotic Avipro, crictical care( hugh tub) some baytril eye gels bepanthen, Bach rescue remedys, vit c and calcium tabs brewers yeast tabs,pain relief metacam and calpol thats just a few of the stuff i have , lots more of course shampoos and sprays for bugs trigene for disenfecting hibiscrub , etc etc, probably forgot some important ones but have been adding to it for ages,

good lord if theres a world war 3 we know whose door to knock on :o
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