Help! Fighting Brothers

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Apr 20, 2011
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I adopted three boars from a local animal sanctuary at 12 weeks. They came together as they are brothers, but very obviously different characters. From the start it was obvious Snowdrop was Boss Hog - chasing and drrr-ing. He's gradually got more agressive and at 5 months he continues to chase Nigel (the smallest pig), although he'll tolerate Buzz (middle pig). A fortnight ago, when I came to put them in their carrier to go to the vet for neutering, a full on fight erupted (enclosed unfamiliar space I guess). I managed to separate them, but Nigel was bitten. I hoped that the neutering would calm them down. They are still co-habiting in a large 4'x2' two-storey hutch and outdoor run, establishing their own 'zones'. Buzz seems to tolerate either brother, but Snowdrop continues to chase Nigel, chatter his teeth and sway, and though he grows plumper and healthier, Nigel is not thriving in the same way. I noticed today another bite on his rump. Should I continue to give these two a chance or should I separate them? Any advice please?
Sorry to read that you are having problems. As a general rule, trios don't usually work out long term. If they were here I'd split them and get another friend for the one that is being bullied. Howver, if you would like to give this a try still, I'd change the living arrangements. Although they have a 4x 2 which is 2 stories, generally boars need more space, and as this is an upwards space rather than lengthways you will find that they will argue over who is boss more. ie a 8ft x 2ft single story is better than a 4ft x 2ft 2 story for a group. Unlike most other species, male guinea pigs don't really change and still display the characteristics of an entire pig, the only difference is that they can't get girls pregnant.
They are just about to hit their 'teenage' stage and so they can be even more trying with each other while this is going on.
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