Help Feeling Overwhelmed.

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 14, 2014
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United Kingdom
Hi maybe its my age at the moment, 53, but I am feeling so panicked about all the things to get for my piggies , just worried as I want to get it right for my piggies, everyone is great and so helpful, it just feels a bit overwhelming, does anyone else ever feel like this, or did they when they first started.
Thanks for any help, silly old woman:ple:
hey, don't stress :) The night we had out first girls we were both like 'What have we done?' I was worrying they weren't happy.. We never saw them come out ever... Had to set up a video camera to see if they came out when we weren't around :)) But they soon settle in.
As long as they have a good size cage, a hidey each, food bowl, water, unlimited hay and veggies for breakfast and tea they will be very happy. Things like lap time and cuddles come in time as they get used to you and the bond you build up is amazing.

This thread may be of use to you,

The only thing I will say is if you can have them in the same room as you go for it.. Our girls are much tamer for it as they are used to us making noises and fiddling around in their c&c.

You are on the brink of a furry adventure :) Enjoy
You are in good company! Please don't panic! Most of the issues can be approached and solved with common sense and by putting yourself in your piggies' shoes. Piggies don't break that easily and they are great communicators. They will train you nicely as you go along! Pet ownership is a lifelong learning curve, like having children. ;)

The problem is that many new owners will set the bar far too high for themselves and expect to be perfect right from the start - that way, they can only fail. But in reality all you need to ask from yourself is to be open to learn as you go along and to try not to repeat any mistakes you make...
Thank you both so much, yes I know what you mean about children, and I coped with my ratties,
I will make a list and tick things off as I go, and I guess you're right the piggies will soon have me trained up, can't wait to get them, thank you both so much again feeling better now.:doh:
I wrote a list of everything i needed, and it was daunting! But once you start looking at prices its not as bad as you think, and once you get things its not as drastic as you think. Just when you see a list of 20-30 things you think you are gonna spend hundreds and need a spare room for it lol
don't panic.I am forty eight and six months ago i took on two piggies cos was given a cage and they needed a home.I now have ten in their own room .They are tougher than you think.I have seven rats as well.Do you still have rats? There are quite a few on here that keep them
Hi Sindydoll, don't panick. My husband volunteered to take on my daughter's two pigs in April as she was allergic to them. I didn't have a clue how to look after them to start with. After scouring the forum for info I felt a lot better. It helped me to know that if there was anything I wasn't sure of then someone on the forum would probably help.
I am 46 by the way and wouldn't part with my boys for anything, they have given me a new lease of life. So sit back and enjoy your piggies.
i still panic and think I'm screwing up, that there is something i could do better. but my other half says that they are really spoiled and they popcorn pretty much every day. so id say they are happy.
its just human nature to worry.
Oh my word! I am a new owner as of June. We had two and now we have three. I feel overwhelmed at times. I feel like I never have enough time lol. My pigs don't get veggies at the same time everyday :( but it's summer and my kids and I don't really have a schedule. But school starts soon so then things should be more normal.

I am always thinking I'm not doing something right not giving them enough of something. They are in the busiest part of the house. They have started wheeking very loudly when THEY think it's past salad time lol so they are training me hahaha.

Don't stress they're a lot of fun. But I totally understand your feeling of being overwhelmed.
Don't Worry! I still panick about most things with the pigs!
like there was todaty when I went out to pick them grass as it was raining and I was really worried if ant bugs went over them... if they are going to catch a illness or something... Having pigs can be wonderful but you need to calm down as it is going to be okay and don't worry there is everything on this website you need to know about :)
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