HELP Eliza is mounting Ellie

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Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
I have put Ellie and Eliza in their indoor run this morning for the first time since bringing Ellie home. Eliza is mounting her :( I never noticed her doing it with Connie. I just don't want Ellie to be scared as she is doing well so far. Is this a dominance thing / normal behavior?
Normal dominance, although I know how worrying it is when they start these strange new behaviours when they're still new to each other. Exactly as Hels said, one of them could also be in heat. I'm sure they'll settle down soon. :)
Try not to panic, they are still very new to each other and woking out who's boss. I'm sure once they've established a pecking order and are comfortable with each other this sort of behaviour will stop.
Yep just the dominance kicking in or as Helen said in season! I had Amber yesterday snapping and mounting all the sows! She was a right monster to them all!

It will pass, as long as they aren't fighting don't stress yourself. :) x
They are just sorting out the small print.

Eliza is probably in season - don't worry, if you see it every two weeks or so!

I found that the first time newly bonded girls had their season, the behaviour was on the excessive side. Usually the other girl is quite patient; and afterwards they were having lots of cuddles, reaffirming their bond.
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