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HELP don't know wjat to do!

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Help! Liza has gotten two ivermectin shots and the mites are not getting any better! She looks worse and I have no idea what to do, she has gone to the vet 2 times all ready. She is losing more weight, she is eating and drinking though. What can I do, what is the next step? I called the vet an dI have an appointment, but he said that he is puzzled and does not know why she is getting worse and will have to look at her more. Someone please help, what can I do?
are you sure they are mites? could it be fungal? i dont know, sorry :(
I think it could be fungal. Why not take a picture of her skin and send it to Chrissie at Gorgeous Guineas? She can probably tell you if it's mites or fungal. Lots of vets can't tell the difference between mite and fungal, sadly :( If it's that far advanced she'll need some strong treatment. I am having fungal issues myself at the moment so sadly can't tell you what the vet should be giving you.
Try to calm down love..... it's only going to make you more upset and we don't want that :'( :'(
I'd get a second opion can you see another vet ?
I've never experienced mites so i'm unable to help sorry :(
I'd supplement her feeds as well tho O0 mushed up pellets in some preboiled and cooled down water and syringe or offer off a plastic spoon.
Just thinking.... is it her skin that looks worse or is it just the loss of weight.... i'm wondering if it's something else as well :(

edit: good idea Starla O0 O0 O0 :smitten:
Agree with Glynis get a second opinion. Hope it's not something else :(
It's both that looks worse. I will try to get another pic.
Have you some critical care or science recovery that you could even supplement her with ?
OK great idea get another pic and we'll see if somebody can advise you O0
Healing wheeks for Liza :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:
Ok, I did a total body check on Liza, she has more sores, where she scatched herself. And she has become noticeablt thinner, the good news is that some of her fur is growing back on her bald spots. But she is shedding when I pick her up. I hope the vet can find out whay is going on with her.

sorry not very good picture, i would either send pictures to chrissie or ask your vet for a referral to a skin person to check liza or go to another vet. if liza is losing weight something must be done for her. perhaps you could weigh her everyday and see how much she is losing everyday. the more information you can give the vet and/or chrissie the better. is liza alone or with other piggies? could they be bite marks? or allergy? has anything been changed in her diet recently or bedding? good luck sending hugs and cuddles. :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-* keep us posted and hope liza gets better soon.
I really need to get a set of scales, but I think that Liza is starting to gain weight back! And her hair is growing back, she needed another dose of medicine. Let's hope that she keeps gaining. I forgot to ask the vet. does her having babies recently effect her weight? Wouldn;t she lose some weight now that there are no babies?
I think having babies and feeding them takes a lot out of the mum and so she'll have lost weight - once the babies are weaned she will put some weight and condition back on?

sophiew said:
I think having babies and feeding them takes a lot out of the mum and so she'll have lost weight - once the babies are weaned she will put some weight and condition back on? Sophie x
when our guinea pig had her babies back in 1999 she lost weight straight away but like sophie said she might put weight on later once the kids leave the nest. good luck with liza. sending hugs and cuddles :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: girls send :-* :-* :-*
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