Help! Dominant Sow

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New Born Pup
Mar 31, 2014
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I've been reading alot about dominance lately, trying to place the relationship between my two sows. There's no doubt about who's in charge, but the rumblestrutting never stops. It's pretty normal to see the boss walking around in the cage rumbling. It happens like 2-6 times a day and we've had them for three months? It usually won't escalate. The other one replies with squeals of discomfort and annoyance, which has no effect at all to be honest. The boss just keeps doing her thing no matter what. Is this normal?
The bossy one also tends to chase her around every now and then. I wouldn't really classify it as bullying, she's not chasing her away from the food etc, just the hidey. Maybe they're just not a match?
And also the boss is pretty energetic. Pretty sure she has ADHD x3 lol. She always has to use her head for something, be it getting out of the cage or trying to climb a hut. (She's jumped over a 30cm tall c&c cage!) could it be because of boredom? Like she feels the need to do something?
And yes, they get floortime everyday. The boss usually has floortime like 20hrs a day because we just can't keep her locked in. Clever little booger :)
Edit: words
Tagging in @Wiebke She is so knowledgeable in piggie behavior

How old are your girls?
The dominant one is 11 months old and the other is 9 :)
Please be reassured that things are not out of order! The squealing from your undersow is submission, not pain or annoyance. The times when things are worse is likely when one of the girls, especially your dominant, one is in season. They are both still subadult. You may find that they become a bit quieter when they reach full maturity at about 15 months old.

You sound like you have got quite a character on your hands who will respond well to being challenged. What about building a cardboard maze, having veg dangling from a thread, letting her investigate various saucers that you have swilled with fruit or veg juices? You could also try to teach her various little tricks or build her an obstacle course.

Have you got two hideys, preferably with more than one exit? It is likely that your dominant girl is enjoying to throw her weight around. Chucking an underpiggy out of a hidey is typical dominance behaviour. I see it all the time with my three foster babies.
Yes they've got plenty of hideys :)
And I'm definitely going to try out carrot on a string!
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