Help Coping With Piggie Issues

Julia Rafferty

Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 27, 2017
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So I got my first piggies a week before Christmas. On Christmas Day one of them passed away and I was devastated. Then I got a new one who had ringworm and has given it to my current piggie. I am honestly so worried about them that I cry for hours while trying to fall asleep. There cage is at the foot of my bed and if the stop shuffling around I hop up to check on them. I feel like am doing nothing right. It doesn’t help that my family says I am doing something wrong and that is why I have only had bad experiences. I post a lot because I am scared for them. Every time they popcorn and bump into something I tense up, scared they hurt themselves. I have had a lot of pet die in the past year. Two hamsters, the cat I grew up with, and my first guinea pig who j only had for a week. I just feel so helpless and I sleep with a tissue box next to me because I cry so much. If they do much as squeak, I run to them to check on all of their basic needs. I just feel like a bad piggie mom. I really need some words of encouragement before anxiety and fear completely takes over me. I just love my piggies so much already and I don’t know what I would do without them. Is caring about them this much normal and is being this stressed as a new piggie owner normal. I know this isn’t really about the pigs, but to me it is. I feel that if I know I am doing something wrong, I can take care of them better. It has been requested that to stop the over excited pop Corning I should do floor time but like I said, they have ringworm and I don’t really want to get it as we are still waiting for medication. Is this just me being selfish and should I just suck it up and put myself in a position of possibly getting ringworm. I just need some help coping with the fact that my piggies are sick and there is not much I can do. I know it is probably nothing but it is always on my mind. I honestly don’t really care if I get ringworm at this point, I care that my piggies are happy and healthy. But at the same time I can’t risk getting my family sick. I just have no clue what to do and am stuck. My pigs mean the world to me and I would appreciate any advice. Sorry for the length by the way.

And honestly just writing this made me feel a bit better and I stopped crying and worrying for a moment!
It sounds like this isn’t your fault, but I’ll try to give advice.

What size is their cage? See size guides here:

What do you feed them?

Try putting their cage on a stand to avoid a drafty floor. Guinea pigs can also get scared from vibrations on the floor. This probably has nothing to do with ringworm, though.

Other than the cage being on the floor, I think it sounds like your doing everything right. Maybe you just got some unlucky piggies.
It sounds like this isn’t your fault, but I’ll try to give advice.

What size is their cage? See size guides here:

What do you feed them?

Try putting their cage on a stand to avoid a drafty floor. Guinea pigs can also get scared from vibrations on the floor. This probably has nothing to do with ringworm, though.

Other than the cage being on the floor, I think it sounds like your doing everything right. Maybe you just got some unlucky piggies.
My cage is a bit smaller than a 2 x 6 C and C cage.
That should definitely be more than enough room, which is great. Have you taken your piggies to the vet for the ringworm?
Yes or at least one of them which is Petco because we had just biught him and we thought it was just dry skin. Even though the infection came from their shop, they would not take care of my other piggie, not that I really wanted them to because they are not the best vets, but the way they went about saying it was very rude. We have no piggy savvy vets in New Jersey so a regular vet will have to do... which makes me feel even worse because they know next to nothing about piggies. Neither of them have been treated yet and I am almost positive that I now have it.
I totally understand how you're feeling. I had a cat with a bad case of fleas once and I got myself into such a state about it, and I'm the most laid back person I know. You just have to remember that this will pass. The most important thing you need to do is get right on to the ringworm. If you think you have it yourself, you need to get to the doctor and start treating yourself too. Don't use over the counter treatment, it might not clear it up completely and just prolong things. I would also tell the doctor how you are feeling, in case you need a wee bit of help due to grieving for all the pets you've lost.
It doesn't sound like you're doing anything wrong. Here's a big hug, cos it sounds like you need one :hug:xx
Have a good read of the guide that Betsy has given you as it covers everything you need to minimise the risk of you or your family getting ringworm too. It is natural to be worried when they are poorly, especially as it has all happened so quickly. I am sorry for the loss of your first pig.
I think the usual treatment for Ringworm in the US is an oral medication called Sporanox. It is usually very effective. A regular vet should be able to prescribe it if you have not seen a vet yet, though I appreciate finding a vet who will see guinea pigs can be a challenge in the US.
In the US/Canada, when looking for a vet that treats guinea pigs, you want to find a practice that advertises itself as treating 'exotics' (yes, guinea pigs are considered exotic pets!) You can ask specifically how much experience they have with guinea pigs when you call to make an appointment. I see a vet in Canada that has an exotics practice (as well as dogs and cats) and they don't charge any more than a usual vet, so it may not be more expensive than a typical dog/cat visit.