Help Cleaning Boar Glue

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Brittany Unrein

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
United States, TX
One of my adult boars has dried boar glue stuck to his front paw and I'm not sure how to get it off safely. I tried pulling it off but its dried and stuck good and wont budge. Is it even boar glue? Suggestions or anything will help thanks!
It's hard to see from your photo but it might well be especially if it won't budge! Unfortunately boar glue is notoriously difficult to remove and often the only option is to cut away the bity of fur that is stuck together but this isn't always possible in tricky patches like this or noses etc.

Try soaking it with a really damp cloth or in a shallow dish of water to see if it loosens at all but if not then you might need to leave it be as trying to remove it may cause more damage than help...

The stuff underneath might need removed or it might cause pressure and problems on his foot, if you really can't get it off yourself you might need a vets help... Boys are so messy!
This is probably a silly question but what is boar glue - is it what I am thinking it is ?!?!?! the result of naughty boys getting a bit fruity, in which case no explanation necessary or am I completely off track? I am new to guinea pigs and have 2 boar's so wondered if this is something I need to be aware of?
This is probably a silly question but what is boar glue - is it what I am thinking it is ?!?!?! the result of naughty boys getting a bit fruity, in which case no explanation necessary or am I completely off track? I am new to guinea pigs and have 2 boar's so wondered if this is something I need to be aware of?
Yes it probably is what you think :)

Boars produce semen when they get a bit excited (on their own or with a friend) and it often ends up stuck somewhere.... Think like a 'There's something about Mary' moment :) It dries rock hard hence the term 'boar glue' so often you need to cut it out of the fur if you don't get it before it dries on...

Some boars produce more than others. One of the joys of boys I'm afraid! :)
This is probably a silly question but what is boar glue - is it what I am thinking it is ?!?!?! the result of naughty boys getting a bit fruity, in which case no explanation necessary or am I completely off track? I am new to guinea pigs and have 2 boar's so wondered if this is something I need to be aware of?
You are correct lol. Male guinea pigs ejaculate is common and the reason it is called boar glue is beca
This is probably a silly question but what is boar glue - is it what I am thinking it is ?!?!?! the result of naughty boys getting a bit fruity, in which case no explanation necessary or am I completely off track? I am new to guinea pigs and have 2 boar's so wondered if this is something I need to be aware of?
Yes boar glue is ejaculate. The glue stuck on my boars foot was rock hard and a clear yellow/white in color. Soaking helped to soften it but I had to use nail clippers and cut it off slowly as it was basically glued onto his claw.
I discovered a lump of it welded to Barney's lip once - I don't know how it got there or if it belonged to him or his brother - I didn't really want to know tbh! With his lip being such a fragile area I just had to keep giving it a wipe with a wet cotton bud. It eventually fell off by itself. MrS was utterly grossed out by the whole thing!
Boars... they are lovely, aren't they? :))

Once I found Teddy had boar glue right below his lips, on the chin. Fortunately it wasn't too dry, so it wasn't difficult to remove. And another time I was in the kitchen and my boyfriend came and said to me: Teddy had this thing on his back, what is it? can it be a worm or something? -and showed me a sperm rod-... You can imagine my face XD
This has some humerous comments in this thread:yahoo:! I have used swarafe? it is a car mechanic cleanser to get grease off hands,but i have used this to remove boar glue and clean grease gland.alot of diy shops sell it.ive also used washing up liquid and leave it for ten minutes and then rinse off,then they are very clean!
This has some humerous comments in this thread:yahoo:! I have used swarafe? it is a car mechanic cleanser to get grease off hands,but i have used this to remove boar glue and clean grease gland.alot of diy shops sell it.ive also used washing up liquid and leave it for ten minutes and then rinse off,then they are very clean!
Swarfega? Now that's a blast from the past!

I'm glad my boar is testicle-less... oh gosh, that does mean I won't get this stuff doesn't it? It doesn't come from another bit of the bits?
I have a feeling that even without furry plums boys can still produce a little bit of glue... just not as much! And none that will make any babies.

Poor Sage has had numerous haircuts because of Poldark getting frisky! Once I turned round to get a cloth and in those two seconds I looked back and Poldark was licking his lips and the glue was gone :vom:
OMG! hahaha! This is the best thread yet! New laughs every post. Honestly when I first adopted my boys I had not idea what I was getting into until I heavily researched anything and everything about guinea pigs. I have to say though my boys even though can sometimes be messy are all sweethearts.
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