help! are they fighting!

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Senior Guinea Pig
Mar 6, 2009
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maisie just started nipping chesney on the bum for no apparant reason! he then retaliated and nipped her back and she squealed. she kept chasing ches and nipping him. they've stopped now but i'm worried. why did she do this?
I'm taking it that Chesney is neutured?

It could be that Maise has come into season and Chesney has "tried it on" and shes told him where to go and maybe just wants a bit of piece of quite
yes, he is neutered. they haven't been living together long, a couple of weeks, but there has never been any problems before.

will this happen when she is in season then? it's more maisie going for ches though really.

i've just got them both out the cage and ches is sat in a washing up bowl with a blanket in next to me on the settee, and i'm holding maisie. they can see each other and they've calmed down a bit.

chesney got bullied by his last three 'partners' that he was tried with, and i'm scared this is happening again.
forgot to say - would having mites make them be agitated? i think they have them. i'm waiting to hear from the rescue we got maisie from because she was treated for mites (precautionary) when she left to come here, that was 16 days ago. she was treated with panomec(?) and i have ivomectin. how long do you have to leave between the two? it might not be panomec, but it's something like that.
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are ivermecin and panomec the same thing? i have the xeno 450 spot on treatment for them.
got in touch with the lady at the rescue i got maisie from, and maisie was treated the day before she arrived at mine so i have given her another treatment tonight, and chesney aswell.

think a bath is in order in a couple of days aswell. oh, so many new tasks!
chesney is humping maisie and chasing her. but she starts it by encouraging him! chesney just constantly rumbles and struts his stuff all the time! everytime he sees her actually! is this normal? he has toned it down a bit since they have lived together, but now i think she is in season so he's started again.

i'm new to all this!
Don't worry, they can carry on a bit. Pretty noisy and pretty singleminded. The season lasts from 24 to 48 hours and happens every 14 to 18 days, it varies slightly from pig to pig. So I'm afraid this behaviour will become recognised and commonplace after a bit, happening every couple of weeks.

The signs of real aggression are lunging and biting with blood drawn, menacing rumbles - they do sound different to rumble strutting - and really bad teeth chattering with an agressive pose. Teeth chattering more softly can also mean 'I want that bit of lettuce', or 'stop cleaning my ears it tickles', and so on. So they do use sounds in different ways. Just observe, understand their sound usage and be ready for this again!

And yes, mites can make them unhappy and stressed. Just imagine how you'd feel if you itched loads and had sore patches of skin!

Hope this helps, Sarah x
chesney is humping maisie and chasing her. but she starts it by encouraging him! chesney just constantly rumbles and struts his stuff all the time! everytime he sees her actually! is this normal? he has toned it down a bit since they have lived together, but now i think she is in season so he's started again.

i'm new to all this!

yeap its normal for neutred males to still try and mate and mount etc as all neturing does is make sure the boar cant get the sow pregnant it doesnt reduce his "wanting" any less, hes still a red blooded male rolleyes
well last night they had their mite treatment and when i put them back in their cage they chased and ches was humping her again, but then it all settled down and they're back to normal again! still a bit of 'play' going on, but after reading about it, i can see it's normal and that they weren't being aggressive. :)

my next task is to give them a nice bath to soothe any itching etc. will do that sunday so it's been over 48hrs since the mite treatment. :) i don't think they will appreciate it somehow! but we will see! i've been reading up about it so i've got a plan of action now! so wish me luck! :))
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