Help! Are My Boars Ok Together?

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Brittany Unrein

Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
United States, TX
I have 4 boars (two 2 year olds and 2 "teenagers"). The initial introduction went great and so did thier new cage and they all eat, sleep, play and popcorn together. However I've noticed that when I take them out for play time in their play pen my dominant boar won't stop humping everyone and the companion he came with (the other 2 year old who is normally very submissive and chill) started baring his teeth and getting tired of it. They aren't fighting but they are showing more aggressive signals. When I took my dominant boar out of the playpen everyone got more relaxed and chill. When I put him back in he went right to the others (with no rumbling) and all four laid down together like nothing happened. When they are in the cage imeberything is fine (I have lots of space two or more of everything hidey tunnels or houses with more than one opening and so on. Everyone is eating and hey even share and eat together. This only happens during play pen time. Does anyone know why or have any suggestions?
I am in a similar situation. I have 2 boys that I have had for about a year and a half and I recently got 2 more boys about 2 months ago. Three of the boys have got along great and I had to separate one of them because he was extremely aggressive towards everyone and now they share a wall in their c&c cage. Tonight I noticed that my youngest boy was chasing my dominant male around and they were chattering at each other and fussing a lot. They never actually fought like my 2 year old male and new aggressive one have and they would stop and eat bag together and stuff so I don't know what to think. I know I have plenty of room. The three boys share 25 sq feet and my lone boy has 12 sq feet. Should I be worried about fighting? Lol mine only all get along when they are out of the cage together
I am in a similar situation. I have 2 boys that I have had for about a year and a half and I recently got 2 more boys about 2 months ago. Three of the boys have got along great and I had to separate one of them because he was extremely aggressive towards everyone and now they share a wall in their c&c cage. Tonight I noticed that my youngest boy was chasing my dominant male around and they were chattering at each other and fussing a lot. They never actually fought like my 2 year old male and new aggressive one have and they would stop and eat bag together and stuff so I don't know what to think. I know I have plenty of room. The three boys share 25 sq feet and my lone boy has 12 sq feet. Should I be worried about fighting? Lol mine only all get along when they are out of the cage together
I'm not sure. :/. Mine get along in their cage and for the most part in the playpen except for the dominant male in the playpen. Two of my boars are under one year so I know part of the hormones and added dominance is because of that but there hasn't been serious aggression just minor aggression and no fights. I have a two level C&C cage that is a tiny bit smaller but I know they have enough room also if one is upstairs they all have to be upstairs so they obviously enjoy each other's company. Plus I would hate to seperate if it comes down to it because I had one bonded pair and the older ones are the second bonded pair and the older submissive pig seems to have bonded well with my other two juveniles. Idk what to do. Lol. Hopefully they can stay together if not I can add a divider to my cage
I have 4 boars (two 2 year olds and 2 "teenagers"). The initial introduction went great and so did thier new cage and they all eat, sleep, play and popcorn together. However I've noticed that when I take them out for play time in their play pen my dominant boar won't stop humping everyone and the companion he came with (the other 2 year old who is normally very submissive and chill) started baring his teeth and getting tired of it. They aren't fighting but they are showing more aggressive signals. When I took my dominant boar out of the playpen everyone got more relaxed and chill. When I put him back in he went right to the others (with no rumbling) and all four laid down together like nothing happened. When they are in the cage imeberything is fine (I have lots of space two or more of everything hidey tunnels or houses with more than one opening and so on. Everyone is eating and hey even share and eat together. This only happens during play pen time. Does anyone know why or have any suggestions?

Hi! How old are your boys now?

Please be aware that you will have to split into two pairs (preferably with one dominant and one more submissive boy in each, trying to fugre out who is getting along with who best) at some point, ideally before they hit the big hormones, as you are otherwise more likely to end up with most often one pai and two singles or at the worst four singles once your boys hit the teenage months.

I have yet to come across a stable boar quartet that is not comprised partially or completely of disabled/carer boars or old age pensioners with very little testosterone drive.

You may find the tips in this thread here helpful; I have listed all the various information, scenarious and tips in detail in there. By the way, we have got lots of information at the top of our various Care sections: Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Hi! How old are your boys now?

Please be aware that you will have to split into two pairs (preferably with one dominant and one more submissive boy in each, trying to fugre out who is getting along with who best) at some point, ideally before they hit the big hormones, as you are otherwise more likely to end up with most often one pai and two singles or at the worst four singles once your boys hit the teenage months.

I have yet to come across a stable boar quartet that is not comprised partially or completely of disabled/carer boars or old age pensioners with very little testosterone drive.

You may find the tips in this thread here helpful; I have listed all the various information, scenarious and tips in detail in there. By the way, we have got lots of information at the top of our various Care sections: Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
hanks I read the thread and found it helpful. I have two boys that are two years old that came as a bonded pair and my two young ones are 5 and 4 months old and they paired together. Should I go ahead and seperate even though they get along pretty well?

hanks I read the thread and found it helpful. I have two boys that are two years old that came as a bonded pair and my two young ones are 5 and 4 months old and they paired together. Should I go ahead and seperate even though they get along pretty well?

Personally, I would separate to enable your two youngsters to get the hierarchy sort-out out of the way while things are comparatively quiet. You can either consider keeping the youngster together or pairing each youngster with a hormonally settled older boy he gets on well with for the long term. Don't rush it and make sure that you have got everything in place first.

But if you are reluctant, you can leave them together for now. The next flashpoint is very likely around 6 months when the testosterone output has got the highest spike. There is just a higher risk that one of the boys will not be able to settle with any of your boys when the hormones are rampant!

It is always very difficult to make accurate predications as everything depends on the individual combination of characters. If you have got 4 rather laid-back boars and a mix of ages, then you can go on for longer than if you have four mostly dominant boars - the latter ends usually in a huge bust-up as soon as the testicles start descending.
The young boars testes have already descended and they get along with everyone pretty well. If I had to seperate them I would want to keep the older two together since they have been so since birth and came together
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