Brittany Unrein
Junior Guinea Pig
I have 4 boars (two 2 year olds and 2 "teenagers"). The initial introduction went great and so did thier new cage and they all eat, sleep, play and popcorn together. However I've noticed that when I take them out for play time in their play pen my dominant boar won't stop humping everyone and the companion he came with (the other 2 year old who is normally very submissive and chill) started baring his teeth and getting tired of it. They aren't fighting but they are showing more aggressive signals. When I took my dominant boar out of the playpen everyone got more relaxed and chill. When I put him back in he went right to the others (with no rumbling) and all four laid down together like nothing happened. When they are in the cage imeberything is fine (I have lots of space two or more of everything hidey tunnels or houses with more than one opening and so on. Everyone is eating and hey even share and eat together. This only happens during play pen time. Does anyone know why or have any suggestions?