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Help Appreciated - Bright red eye, Cherry Eye, Conjunctivitis?


New Born Pup
Dec 7, 2022
Reaction score
This is my 4 year old skinny pig Lennon. This morning I noticed the bottom half of his eye is a very bright red, blood colour. He has no other symptoms besides this. Eating tons, running around, not bothered in the slightest.

He does have a brother that he lives with (Ono). They get along well but the occasionally snap at each other happens. I do not have exotic veterinarians near me but I am hoping to use a telemedicine service tomorrow.

Anyone with an idea with what this could be PLEASE help. Cherry eye? Conjunctivitis? Injury?

Thank you!tempImageJIcnoJ.webptempImageDjVr5i.webp
Larry had this once. It must have happened on the way to the vets in his carrier for an appointment for something else as it was immediately visible when we arrived!
The vet (Kim at Cat and Rabbit Clinic) wasn't worried and said he'd probably knocked it in the carrier. It went on its own after a couple of days, however I was already at the vets so got an opinion on it there and then.
It's always worth a vet check when something is going on with eyes so I'd get it checked over just in case 😊❤️
You can just about see it at the bottom of his eye, not a very good photo though!


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Thanks for the response! Larry’s eye definitely looks similar to what my Guinea pig has going on. Still trying to get him into the vet ASAP. Thank you :)
It can be, either a poke injury that hasn't formed an ulcer yet, or a knock by a solid object or running into something. Unfortunately it can also be from something like a tumour but that's a lot less likely. I cant remember exactly what my vet said at the time but those were some of the possibilities.
I finally managed to find a picture of Forrests, he is a lethal white so his eyes aren't great anyway as they're deformed, as your little one is otherwise healthy it will likely heal up in a few days, similarly to a bruise.

Definitely get this checked by a vet. You don’t need an exotic vet for eyes - eyes are the same across all species so any general vet can carry out the hands on checks to see what is occurring.

i hope your piggy is ok