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Help and/or advice needed - male discharge

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 23, 2007
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We have a problem with our eldest boar Blaze. He's got a brown fluidy discharge coming from the area behind his penis, which smells a lot like poo but it's nowhere near his anus. It seems to get worse when we pick him up to examine him. I'm not sure where their scent gland is so I did wonder if it had anything to do with that.

Has anyone heard of this before, we're trying to get hold of our vet at the moment but it's Saturday and they're not answering and we can't get through to the emergency vet either at the moment.

Marty :(
The area behind the penis is the bottom :) his grease gland is where his tail would be if he had one... like where a dogs tail is. If you see what I mean ;D Sounds like he has a funny tum :(
Bevs right, it does sound like his tummy is upset. If his poo is that runny, you need to do something fast. have you got any powdered arrowroot? Mix with water and give 1.5mls twice a day. Also, brewers yeast tablet once a day to put the good stuff back in his tum.
Have you given him any different veggies lately? Has he been out on the grass? Does his tummy feel hard and bloated?
Oh right, so we've had guinea pigs 5 months and only just realised where his bottom is! :embarassed:

He's not showing any signs of illness, he's eating his food, running around on the kitchen lino ok and even popcorned a minute ago.

It wouldn't be impaction would it, he's only just over a year old?
DebbieR said:
Bevs right, it does sound like his tummy is upset. If his poo is that runny, you need to do something fast. have you got any powdered arrowroot? Mix with water and give 1.5mls twice a day. Also, brewers yeast tablet once a day to put the good stuff back in his tum.
Have you given him any different veggies lately? Has he been out on the grass? Does his tummy feel hard and bloated?

Where do you get powdered arrowroot or brewers yeast from?

He's not had any different veggies, or been out on the grass. His tummy doesn't seem to be bloated. The only thing is Dylan's (one of our single boars) has had soft poos over the last few days so we took him of his veggies and they seem to have returned to normal.
Or even human diacalm tablets will be ok but I cant think of the dosage I 'think' its a quarter of a tablet.
I wouldn't have thought it was an impaction. can you put him in a box on his own with just newspaper in for a little while so that you can monitor his poops and pees?

Arrowroot can be got from the supermarket in the baking section (its a good idea to always keep a pot to hand) and brewers yeast from a health food shop. I wouldn't be without these things. The good thing about them is that they don't go off as quickly as medication.

What veggies do you feed them? taking him off veggies is a good idea for a day or two but he'll need something going into his tummy to keep everything moving.
I've made an appointment to see the emergency vet at 5 PM. I'll get him checked out first but thank you all for the help. I'll see if I can find some of that DIocalm.
DebbieR said:
I wouldn't have thought it was an impaction. can you put him in a box on his own with just newspaper in for a little while so that you can monitor his poops and pees?

Arrowroot can be got from the supermarket in the baking section (its a good idea to always keep a pot to hand) and brewers yeast from a health food shop. I wouldn't be without these things. The good thing about them is that they don't go off as quickly as medication.

What veggies do you feed them? taking him off veggies is a good idea for a day or two but he'll need something going into his tummy to keep everything moving.

He has a mixture of veggies, we try not to give any of them the same things day in day out.

A normal meal would be any 4 or 5 of the following:

Celery (once or twice a week)
Parsley (once or twice a week)
That all seems fine. The only thing I would say is that fruit should only be given as a treat and not very often. It shouldn't be part of their main diet. A lot of fruit is quite acidic and can give them funny tummys or sore mouths. which is a real shame because they love it :(

Good luck at the vets. Please let us know how you get on x
Julie here (Marty's other half) Just got back from the vet (why oh why do they need emergency treatment out of normal hours!) she gave us some probiotic for all four boys, with Blaze taking 5 days worth of Baytril. We just couldn't think at all what could be causing it as Marty said, nothing has changed in their diet, so she thought it may be some kind of bug as the other boys have had SLIGHTLY soft droppings. We've given Blaze her recommended dose of 0.3ml mixed with the same amount of Cranberry juice to tempt him ::) we are very pleased he took it straight away with minimum fuss. Hopefully this will be as simple as that in the following few days.

We both feel terribly ignorant to have learned that what we thought was his bottom was in fact his grease gland :embarassed: the vet demonstrated how to pop his man bits out and it turns out that what we thought was where his willy was housed, is his anal sac(s) which is obviously where his runny stuff was coming. Honestly, we've tried to familiarise ourselves about our pigs so much and completely misunderstood what should have been very basic. :-\

Anyhoo, we're a bit wiser now. Thanks all of you for your invaluable advice. We couldn't get any Diocalm (sold out) or Arrowroot (sold out), we missed the health food shop for the Brewers Yeast in our haste to get to the vet. We will try tomorrow.
DebbieR, regarding the fruit issue, it is a real shame, ours love the grapes, we only give them pear about twice a week, and one grape each every other day, hopefully that won't be too excessive?
Don't be upset about not knowing where everything was. Its not the area you really think about until something goes wrong :)

You're so good taking them all to the emergency vet. That must have cost you a fortune :o

There is so much to learn about these little piggers. Just when you think you have one thing cracked, they do something completely different ::)

I don't think that amount of fruit is excessive at all. Mine love grapes as well. They're just like their mum and love all the things that are bad for them ;D

I swear by the brewers yeast. Its great stuff, you can give them one tablet once a day. I have a pill crusher which I find invaluable. I couldn't do all that crushing with a spoon business ;D Far too lazy ;D

I really hope their poops get back to normal soon. I battled with squishy poo for so long with my George bless him. Turned out it was the problems with his teeth that was causing it ?

Emergency vet expensive? tell me about it! ::) thing is, once we realised it was the runs there was no way we were going to wait until Monday.
We had to seperate the two of them earlier :( not sure if Scampy could sense something was wrong with Blaze, but was doing a lot of rumblestruttiing which Blaze was retaliating to for a tiny bit then suddenly lunged at Scampy luckily we had a towel to hand but it didn't calm them down much. I wonder if Scampy's a bit freaked out by Blaze being unwell :-\ they seemed okay after they had some seperate lap time though, so hopefully all is better now.

So where do you find Brewers Yeast?

Sorry DebbieR, you did mention it before, we were all over the place the last few days! Blaze's droppings now have form (yay) I also spoke to Vedra at the CCT and she's fitted us in with an appt next week to have and checkup for all of them, nice to have it done by an expert. Poor little guy, he's sqeaking slightly when he passes some of the droppings, with that nasty bout of the runs, he's probably very uncomfy there!
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