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New Born Pup
Sep 20, 2016
Reaction score
Euxton, Chorley
As a family we bought two girl guinea pigs for our boys. They are very skittish and started fighting on Sunday. A friend came and checked and discovered we have two boys. We are planning to create a larger home in the boys playshed, in hopes to keep them both. Any advice welcome!
Hello Bob,

Welcome to the forum.. Could you add your location to your profile please as it helps us tailor any advice to your location.

How big is their current cage? Do they have two of everything? Hidey houses, food bowls etc...

When you say fighting - any blood drawn?
No blood drawn, lots of noise, jumping and teeth grinding. We have started putting two of everything . The cage is 1470 by 530 & with a sleeping area up top. We also have a run for the grass. We are moving them into the shed for winter and plan to create a bigger pen.
As a family we bought two girl guinea pigs for our boys. They are very skittish and started fighting on Sunday. A friend came and checked and discovered we have two boys. We are planning to create a larger home in the boys playshed, in hopes to keep them both. Any advice welcome!
Oh dear, did you get them from a rescue I know that some of the rescues do bonding it helps the Guinea piggies. If not, what about having them neutered wait for 7 days & introduce them to ladies. Apparently they do well with females. But it may be to check this with the mods.
Hi & Welcome Bob, we are a friendly bunch, loads of advice in the forums. Any advice that these don't cover, just ask.
No blood drawn, lots of noise, jumping and teeth grinding. We have started putting two of everything . The cage is 1470 by 530 & with a sleeping area up top. We also have a run for the grass. We are moving them into the shed for winter and plan to create a bigger pen.

Is that millimeters? Well worth getting some fiddlesticks to use as housing as they have two entrances so no pig can get trapped.Pets at home sell them

Wooden Playsticks Large | Pets At Home

Going to tag @Wiebke in for some advice she is very knowledgeable at bonding. Have your boys been together long?
We bought them from a local farm and are brothers. They are 14 weeks old we got them 3 weeks ago. We have a wicker tunnel and a stick tunnel at the minute. Thank you for the advice.
We bought them from a local farm and are brothers. They are 14 weeks old we got them 3 weeks ago. We have a wicker tunnel and a stick tunnel at the minute. Thank you for the advice.

I would imagine it is the hormones and the dominance phase as they are establishing who is boss. Have a read of this thread here
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next? Hopefully it will quieten down soon

having two of everything will help, good news you have the sticks this avoids , pigs getting stuck in by the other
As a family we bought two girl guinea pigs for our boys. They are very skittish and started fighting on Sunday. A friend came and checked and discovered we have two boys. We are planning to create a larger home in the boys playshed, in hopes to keep them both. Any advice welcome!

Hi and welcome!

I have moved your thread to our behaviour section for you. You can find lots of information at the top of our various Care sections, which you may find helpful.

I am very sorry about your problems, but relieved that at least you have two of the same gender; otherwise you'd be facing a pregnancy with all THOSE worries! :(
If you want to double check, here is the link to the best sexing site I know of: Sexing Guinea Pigs: How to Sex a Guinea Pig

How old are the boys? Boars go through a much more pronounced teenage period once their testicles start descending at around 4 months, which lasts until they are about 14 months old when they reach a hormonally somewhat more settled adulthood. Any move to new territory requires a new hierarchy sort-out for all piggies, too.

Plenty of space and having everything in twos - hideys, bowls, water bottles (ideally each same as far from each other as possible - can help to give each boy his own space at each end of the cage. In the end, it all depends on whether they are character compatible or not.
Please take your time to read through these links here to catch up on boar information. it is very detailed, so you may find it hopefully helpful. Take your time to also research available housing options, so you can plan for being able to divide the cage into two with interaction through the bars in case that becomes necessary. We find that C&C grid cages are much more flexible and adaptable for that purpose.
Boars: Bullying, Fighting, Fall-outs And What Next?
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.

All About C & C Grid Cages
Cage Size Guide
Cold Weather Care For Guinea Pigs

Here is our started kit of information for new owners; it has got lots of tips on how understand guinea pig instincts, settle and make friends with them etc. it is not a quick process. Please complain to the vendor about the missexing and also complain to your local council about trading standards if you are being fobbed off.
" Starter Kit" Of Information Threads For New Owners
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