Hello New Guinea Pig Owner Here

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 8, 2017
Reaction score
East lothian
hi everyone i often read forums etc but never tend to join them but as i am a new guinea pig owner i thought id join this as i may have many questions lol.

i have always wanted to have a guinea pig but never got round to getting one, so out of the blue the other day i got a message from my step mum asking if id like guinea pigs so i asked how many and she replies three! well recently our old rabbit had passed away and we had one rabbit left so we said ok we will take them. We waited with anticipation and i got my partner to go and build an outdoor hut assuming we were getting larger guineas,so he threw together a large hutch next to my rabbits hutch then my dad turned up with an empty indoor cage, to my surprise they were hiding when they came out they were quite small, so we decided on keeping them indoors, so the rabbit has two huts (handy for cleaning).

Little back story i dont know their ages and had to figure out the sex myself three males one looks quite young as he is so small, anyway they were abandoned in a flat no one knows for how long, i wouldnt say more than three days considering their general body condition, but they havent been handled alot and are very skittish.

So one week in and i have learnt alot from the different noises to the foods they cant eat, you cant house them in a hutch thats not in a shed,you cant put them in with a rabbit in case it bullies it you cant you cant you cant lol alot of cants haha any way i thought id share my story with you guys as i said I'm very new to guinea pig owning but am totally in love with these wee guys and hope i continue learning and to gain the trust of spyro,hiccup and toothless lol

pics to follow:love:
:wel: Hi, this is also the only forum I have ever joined too! :))

I'm glad I joined, its really quite friendly & has given sound advice and support whenever i've needed it. I've had quite a lot of experience keeping guinea pigs but there's always something new to learn.

I'm furious at the people who abandoned 3 little piggies in a flat - how could they? :rant: But very happy that you have taken them in :inn:

Its always lovely to hear from new people and their piggies :luv:
Hello and welcome to the forum where you will discover the wonderful world of piggies and there's lots you can.:))
Have a look at the stickies at the top of the threads you will find lots of interesting info there. New Owners' " How To" Starter Kit
Try this thread to start you off, hope the link works, I'm not very confident with how to make links.
hello, welcome to TGPF :) Great to have you here.

Please feel free to ask ay questions you may have. I would advise getting them sexed to be on safe side if you are unsure on any.

Here are some threads it will be worth having a read of, but of course if you have any questions please ask. Three boars can be a tricky number as boars are best in pairs and trouble can arise in teenage years but sometimes trios do work - hopefully this will be one of those times.

How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
All Kinds Of Biting And What You Can Do

Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
Feeding Grass And Preparing Your Piggies For Lawn Time

Housing and climate:
Cage Size Guide
Bedding For Guinea Pigs - Overview
Hot Weather Management And Heat Strokes
Cold Weather Care For Guinea Pigs
Potentially Dangerous Cage Accessories

Guinea pig body and care:
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Guinea pig body quirks
Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails

Behaviour and managing social needs:
Guinea Pig Facts - A Short Overview
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

Hope you enjoy the forum and any issues please just ask

Hello and welcome to the forum. Please could you add your location to your profile? It helps us tailor advice for you.
Look forward to seeing pics of the piggies.
:wel: Hi, this is also the only forum I have ever joined too! :))

I'm glad I joined, its really quite friendly & has given sound advice and support whenever i've needed it. I've had quite a lot of experience keeping guinea pigs but there's always something new to learn.

I'm furious at the people who abandoned 3 little piggies in a flat - how could they? :rant: But very happy that you have taken them in :inn:

Its always lovely to hear from new people and their piggies :luv:

yeah i was pretty upset myself the person who abandoned them had also abandoned a dog then called the police on the person i rescued them from asking for the dog back but not the guinea pigs, anyway thanks for commenting and and making me feel welcome x
hello, welcome to TGPF :) Great to have you here.

Please feel free to ask ay questions you may have. I would advise getting them sexed to be on safe side if you are unsure on any.

Here are some threads it will be worth having a read of, but of course if you have any questions please ask. Three boars can be a tricky number as boars are best in pairs and trouble can arise in teenage years but sometimes trios do work - hopefully this will be one of those times.

How Do I Settle Shy New Guinea Pigs?
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
All Kinds Of Biting And What You Can Do

Recommendations For A Balanced General Guinea Pig Diet
Feeding Grass And Preparing Your Piggies For Lawn Time

Housing and climate:
Cage Size Guide
Bedding For Guinea Pigs - Overview
Hot Weather Management And Heat Strokes
Cold Weather Care For Guinea Pigs
Potentially Dangerous Cage Accessories

Guinea pig body and care:
Boar Care: Bits, Bums & Baths
Guinea pig body quirks
Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails

Behaviour and managing social needs:
Guinea Pig Facts - A Short Overview
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics

Hope you enjoy the forum and any issues please just ask

Hi lee, thanks for the advice, it seems the last owner added a younger male probably not too long ago as he is small compared to the others and alot more timid he seems to get chased alot and the other two are always rumblestrutting lol (my name choice) if that is what it is called to which i never knew guinea pigs could do, iv not seen any fighting but i do feel the cage they came in is too small a space so i will be looking into a larger cage or a secondary one, ill go have a read of some of the links you included much appreciated thank you
yeah i was pretty upset myself the person who abandoned them had also abandoned a dog then called the police on the person i rescued them from asking for the dog back but not the guinea pigs, anyway thanks for commenting and and making me feel welcome x
The guinea pigs are much better off with you, so in a way i'm glad they're not trying to get them back. You have 3 totally gorgeous piggies :wub::wub::wub: - their loss is your gain :luv:

If I was the police I wouldn't arrange for them to have their dog back either!
Oh my word! What little stunners your piggies are :drool::love::love:
:wel: to the forum :)
The guinea pigs are much better off with you, so in a way i'm glad they're not trying to get them back. You have 3 totally gorgeous piggies :wub::wub::wub: - their loss is your gain :luv:

If I was the police I wouldn't arrange for them to have their dog back either!

no they didnt get the dog back she is still getting to know her new owner the police didnt take it any further,and yeah they are adorably cute lol love them to pieces my partner is jealous of all the attention they get, i just sit and stare at them i think they may think I'm a bit weird lol so yeah totally my gain lol thanks
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