Hello Middle Of The Night Forumers

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Senior Guinea Pig
Nov 10, 2009
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hello :) What are you doing on here at this time of the morning?

I just had an awful nightmare, so have had to get up and sit downstairs for a while... I would say too much cheese but I don't eat dairy so maybe too much Hot Ribena :)
I can't sleep. . . So, I decided to visit the forum to count guinea pigs!

However, after a while, as I am/will be looking for a new addition/s, I decided to visit the websites of local-ish rescues, to see whether any of them had/ will have a suitable guinea pig/s available for adoption. . . And. . . I found a lovely sow. . . Got all excited. . . Then. . . I realised that the sow is not available for adoption, due to concerns over her health, and that she will possibly become a permanent resident at the rescue. . .

Nevertheless, I have sent an email to the rescue to register my interest in the sow, just in case she does become available! Although, on checking the rehoming policy, it appears that the rescue does not rehome to individuals who use wood shavings as bedding - I have tried alternative beddings, and I will be trialling 'Snowflake Softchip' (A wood-fibre bedding) for the foreseeable, but do not feel that these alternative beddings can rival good quality wood shavings!

Anyhow, of course, once you begin to look at the guinea pigs available for adoption, you simply cannot stop. . . So, now I am attempting to figure out how I can increase my income tenfold, so that I can cater for another several rescue guinea pigs!

On that note, if anyone is aware of a support group for individuals with a guinea pig addiction, please do let me know! :ple:

All the more so as, I have noticed that the number of private adverts offering guinea pigs for sale have greatly increased recently, due to the time of year (No surprise there) - It would probably be wise for me to refrain from using the internet until the New Year (Although, I am sure that there will be a number of adverts offering the very same guinea pigs for sale again, a few weeks after Christmas/ when the novelty has worn off) . . . Perhaps, I should get some sleeping pills, just in case I do something foolish as a result of sleep deprivation. . . :roll:

Perhaps, I am just excited as Santa is on his way - Please make the rescue sow healthy, Santa. . . So that she can come, and live with me. . . I won't ask for anything else. . . Well, unless you are able to increase my income tenfold?! :))
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Haha, I am able to stay up pretty much as late as I want when I don't have school in the morning! :) I enjoy seeing all of the posters in the middle of the night.
I wasn't up as I'm not on nights until Christmas Eve/Day, Boxing Day. :(
i was up but not on the forum. had the telly on and was listening to 'new piggy' biting the bars trying to get to mollie! :tu: o/h and i were talking about hot ribena yesterday actually. he was saying it sounds weird (he's never had it!), but i was saying how nice it is. going to make him try it! :))
i was up but not on the forum. had the telly on and was listening to 'new piggy' biting the bars trying to get to mollie! :tu: o/h and i were talking about hot ribena yesterday actually. he was saying it sounds weird (he's never had it!), but i was saying how nice it is. going to make him try it! :))

Hot Ribena is 'da bomb'
I have children who dont sleep so I'm often on the forum at silly times of night as I sit outside their rooms saying "back to bed" wearily, in the style of Super Nanny.
Santa, could you give me an unbroken nights sleep?!
I have never had hot Ribena! Someone said to me that they drink hot vimto when they are ill!?! I LOVE vimto but not sure id like it hot :/
I have never had hot Ribena! Someone said to me that they drink hot vimto when they are ill!?! I LOVE vimto but not sure id like it hot :/

this is also really nice. my nan used to make it for us when we were younger :luv:
I'm not a great fan of Ribena, or Vimto etc - I find these drinks quite 'claggy'!

However, perhaps, this is/would not be the case when the concentrate is diluted with hot water?!

Sounds very much like a mulled wine alternative for individuals who do not drink, and/or children etc - I'm sure we are all aware of how children like to be included!

To try, or not to try. . . I think my decision would have to based on your nightmare experience @sport_billy - Certainly, I do not need another reason for not sleeping?! :roll:
Oops I am so silly. I forgot you got concentrated vimto to dilute with water and I was thinking the hot vimto was heated up fizzy vimto :mal:
I can't sleep. . . So, I decided to visit the forum to count guinea pigs!

However, after a while, as I am/will be looking for a new addition/s, I decided to visit the websites of local-ish rescues, to see whether any of them had/ will have a suitable guinea pig/s available for adoption. . . And. . . I found a lovely sow. . . Got all excited. . . Then. . . I realised that the sow is not available for adoption, due to concerns over her health, and that she will possibly become a permanent resident at the rescue. . .

Nevertheless, I have sent an email to the rescue to register my interest in the sow, just in case she does become available! Although, on checking the rehoming policy, it appears that the rescue does not rehome to individuals who use wood shavings as bedding - I have tried alternative beddings, and I will be trialling 'Snowflake Softchip' (A wood-fibre bedding) for the foreseeable, but do not feel that these alternative beddings can rival good quality wood shavings!

Anyhow, of course, once you begin to look at the guinea pigs available for adoption, you simply cannot stop. . . So, now I am attempting to figure out how I can increase my income tenfold, so that I can cater for another several rescue guinea pigs!

On that note, if anyone is aware of a support group for individuals with a guinea pig addiction, please do let me know! :ple:

All the more so as, I have noticed that the number of private adverts offering guinea pigs for sale have greatly increased recently, due to the time of year (No surprise there) - It would probably be wise for me to refrain from using the internet until the New Year (Although, I am sure that there will be a number of adverts offering the very same guinea pigs for sale again, a few weeks after Christmas/ when the novelty has worn off) . . . Perhaps, I should get some sleeping pills, just in case I do something foolish as a result of sleep deprivation. . . :roll:

Perhaps, I am just excited as Santa is on his way - Please make the rescue sow healthy, Santa. . . So that she can come, and live with me. . . I won't ask for anything else. . . Well, unless you are able to increase my income tenfold?! :))
Hi. I can recommend snowflake wood chip and also aubiose. Although it looks sharp, which was my first concern, once it's down its fine. I'm like you and keep looking but have managed to refrain for now :-)
I've heard wonderful things about 'Snowflake Softchip' - So much so, that I had a bag delivered recently!

Quite excited!
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