Hi and welcome
These are spurs from dead skin overgrowth. They are perfectly harmless and will generally not get in the way of your piggy moving around. About a quarter of pet piggies will develop them.
Please do not interfere unless a harder spur is sticking out to the side where it could catch and rip at the edge between the dead and live skin. If you cut too close to live skin, it is incredibly painful and can cripple. We recommend to see a vet or vet nurse with guinea pigs if a spur really needs cutting (thankfully this is not often the case).
The skin colour on the foot pads is also perfectly normal and healthy. Please keep in mind that in pink skin, the level of redness is determined by the blood flow through the skin, which is how guinea pigs control their body temperatures. The feet are the main heat shedding areas next to the ears.
You only need to worry about fuchsia coloured red localised spots if they are punctual and well defined and not repeated on the other foot. Please also be aware that the more you treat feet, the more you soften the hard skin on the soles and allow bugs to get into tiny cracks. It is often better to leave be as long as there is no open sore/infection and letting the normal body defences do their work.
Guinea Lynx :: Guinea Pig Feet and Foot Problems
Guinea pig body quirks - What is normal and what not?