Hello I was wondering if these supplies were good for my guinea pigs?


Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 10, 2017
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Hello,I want to upgrade my guinea pigs cage to a larger one so I was wondering if this cage was appropriate for 2 guinea pigs.I do have C&C grids to make them a larger cage but for my personal taste they don't look nice in my room. So I want to get them this instead as it looks nicer, so I was wondering if its a good size for them. I have also been trying to get them new bedding so I was wondering if Dr.Foster and smith Aspen bedding was good if not what would you recommend. Lastly, what food is the best to give them? Thank you so much for reading this and hope to get a response.

Here is the link to the cage I want to get them:https://jet.com/product/Boomer-and-...WOst2ojaw5L04HCdUC-poZnXj9YY4QsMaArNSEALw_wcB
Here is the bedding: https://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?c=6067+20836+20841+12661&pcatid=12661
It may look very nice but it is not big enough for 2 piggies! My hospital cage for 1 pig is about that size! Here are the minimum recommendations for piggies and cages/hutches. The ramp is far to steep for piggies and has no sides so they could fall of and hurt themselves. The bigger the better for piggies.

Cage Size Guide

If you are not sure what a foot measurement is and foot is 12". 2 piggies need at least 24" by 72".

Can't advise on the bedding as I use puppy pads and hay in my hutch.
Sorry for bothering you again, but it 52 x 38 inches ok (l x w) or is that still to small. I'm pretty clueless sorry.
So in feet that makes approximately 4 ft by 3 ft. So only just a bit bigger in the width than the minimum recommendation.
What sex are your guinea pigs? If they are boys then that definitely won’t be big enough.
It’s always better to go bigger - too small a hutch/cage and piggies are likely to fight - I personally wouldn’t consider anything less than 5ft (60 inches) or 6ft (72 inches) if they are boys.
Yes they are males. Thank you for the advice I just thought that I had to get an enclosure with the appropriate square ft, didn't take to account the width. I need to really figure out were to put it because my room is a bit to small to fit a cage that large haha.