Hello - Delurking And A Q About Cage Size/shapeū

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Surrey, UK
Hi, I'm alibbobles :wave

Ive been lurking since about November and have learnt lots and lots about piggies. Thank you all, there is so much great advice and content to absorb :) Hopefully, I'll be getting a pair of pigs in the spring.

I just had a question about the size and shape of a C&C cage. I have enough room for a 5x2 but could also rearrange things to fit in a 4×3. Obviously there's no difference in area per se, but do pigs have a general preference for a longer narrow cage or a shorter, fatter one? Or is it just a question if trying out both?
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Hi and welcome!

Great that you are doing your research first!

Guinea pigs can live happily in either setup, but you may want to test beforehand whether it is easier for you to clean a 2x5 or a 3x4. As regular poor patrol is going to be a firm part of your life, easy access is an aspect you should not underestimate! ;)

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De lurking! I like that, lovely to have you joining in, I am sure you will find it fun! C&C cages are great as Wiebke said it is preference and ease of access and catching them, I find them easier to catch with a 2 grid width.

Officaily Welcome

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