Hello advice on piggy wars!

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Jun 25, 2012
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Hi I am Jay3ttp's daughter. We have managed to establish that both my guinea pigs are male, the bigger one let us see his bits just now lol. I am now worrying as to why they have suddenly started teeth chattering at one another. They have been so happy together and now they are lunging at each other etc. I am watching them like mad but i *** be scared to go bed tonight! Any ideas? x
They are going through their hormonal period, try bathing them together and putting back together in a clean changed around cage, also some free run time on neutral ground. Do they have 2 of everything, food bowls, water bottles, hideys, toys etc etc?
There are lots of reasons why males fight. usually its hormonal. The best way for members to help is to give us as much info as you can and then keep all your questions to this thread. :)

So first things first
How old are they?
How big is the cage?
Do they have two of everything?
Has blood been drawn?
What bonding methods(if any) have you already tried?
You may find our boar guide with further links helpful. Your boys have probably just hit the big hormones which make for a difficult time between 4-14 months old. Don't separate until there are serious, bloody fights or really major aggression (a link for which behaviours are acceptable and not is attached to the guide). It also contains tips on what you can do to make things easier.
I've been through it all with boars as have a lot of people on here. Wiebke's post on boar advice is your first place to look. If you still have questions/concerns, don't be afraid to message me or others on here with specific issues.

Teeth chattering specifically should be very carefully monitored. It is often the last warning sign before physical violence. Have a towel at the ready in case you have to separate them (the towel is as much for you and your mum not to get bitten by accident as it is for the piggy).

Boar pairs are extremely complicated/difficult IMO in general but especially during the hormonal phase of their lives. This stage will really determine wether or not they can live together in the long run. It's all in Wiebke's post.

The most important thing to remember is that it's all perfectly normal and natural not a reaction to anything you've done. You have to keep an eye on them and there may come a time when you will have to decide whterh or not to separate them but you haveto let them work that out and try not to intervene unless it's absolutely necessary.
Hi they are about 11 weeks, they have been together since they were born (that is as far as the petshop said). The have a large cage 140, they have 2 of everything. Up until yesterday there wasnt really so much as a rumble. They chased each other round the cage playfully etc. It went from calm to teeth chattering etc x
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