Junior Guinea Pig
I think this counts as heavy breathing and we should call the emergency vets rather than wait until morning. Ginger Nut is five and a half and we got him from a rescue just over two weeks ago. Now bonded with Crumble (both bereaved in December) but he suffers from arthritis in his back legs and impaction.
Only had him checked over and registered at our vets a week ago and had the vet demonstrate clearing his poop sack again on Thursday when Crumble had his follow up and all clear for his bloat. Needs clearing out twice a day at the moment but has been off his hay with smaller poops and on syringe feeding yesterday and today to stabilise his recent weight loss (seemed fine on Thursday). Still eating veggies but less enthusiastic.
Having typed that he’s now moved about a bit more and tricky to video but he’s not his usual self demanding nuggets or veg. Hopefully being paranoid but will see what the vet says tonight (regular one opens 9am Sunday).1/3 Ginger Nut
2/3 GN
3/3 GN
Tricky to video - about to call the vet but hoping it’s a useful record
Only had him checked over and registered at our vets a week ago and had the vet demonstrate clearing his poop sack again on Thursday when Crumble had his follow up and all clear for his bloat. Needs clearing out twice a day at the moment but has been off his hay with smaller poops and on syringe feeding yesterday and today to stabilise his recent weight loss (seemed fine on Thursday). Still eating veggies but less enthusiastic.
Having typed that he’s now moved about a bit more and tricky to video but he’s not his usual self demanding nuggets or veg. Hopefully being paranoid but will see what the vet says tonight (regular one opens 9am Sunday).1/3 Ginger Nut
2/3 GN
3/3 GN
Tricky to video - about to call the vet but hoping it’s a useful record