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Heavy breathing? Loss of appetite?


Adult Guinea Pig
Feb 9, 2018
Reaction score
Both Belle and Jasmine haven't been quite themselves the last week. Their appetites have been a bit low and they seem to have had heavy breathing, but their weights are fine. Belle has perked up since last night, but Jasmine is a bit subdued today. Neither of them finished the Emeraid off, which is unheard of!

Here's a short of Jasmine's breathing.

I feel like a hypochondriac and I always take them to see the vet when they need to, but it's hard to tell whether it's something that should be checked or not to worry about. What are your thoughts?
I would see a vet because of the indrawing on her sides as she breathes. Better safe than sorry.
Both Belle and Jasmine haven't been quite themselves the last week. Their appetites have been a bit low and they seem to have had heavy breathing, but their weights are fine. Belle has perked up since last night, but Jasmine is a bit subdued today. Neither of them finished the Emeraid off, which is unheard of!

Here's a short of Jasmine's breathing.

I feel like a hypochondriac and I always take them to see the vet when they need to, but it's hard to tell whether it's something that should be checked or not to worry about. What are your thoughts?

Please have them vet checked. This doesn't sound good, nor does the loss of appetite.

I would go the vet.
I’d rather be told nothing is wrong than miss something that could become serious.
Holding you in my thoughts
Oh no hope you can get them in at the vets, Jasmine doesn’t look right does she. Don’t feel awful, you are not a hypochondria, you love your girls :hug:and you care x
I've just found Jasmine passed in her cage. She's still warm, so it can't have been that long ago. I wondered if she was in pain, but it may have just been her time.
I'm so sorry you've lost Jasmine 😔 :hug:

Just a thought - as they both have similar symptoms, could there be a gas leak? Carbon monoxide poisoning?
I found her lying down resting, then realised she wasn't breathing when I checked on them. I'm glad she's passed quickly and peacefully, and that I picked them all some grass this evening. I weighed her only two hours ago when I took that video, so I'm also really glad we had some final cuddles too. She always preferred to interact on her own terms, so I feel we've been very lucky, all in all.
Very sad :(
So sorry for your loss. Must have been a shock for you.
I'm so sorry, it sounds like she went very peacefully and it was just her time... sending hugs x
Oh Heather, I am so very sorry.
Jasmine was such a special fluffy cloud.
She will be sorely missed on the forum and she will leave a huge hole in your heart.
I’m glad she slipped away peacefully.
Be gentle with yourself as you grieve.
Hugs :hug:
Oh no I’m so sorry for you. I’m glad she had cuddles and passed in her happy place. Take care ❤️
Oh Heather so sorry how have I miss this. So sorry you lost Jasmine, such a beauty, sending you hugs x

Sleep tight little lady 🌈
I missed this thread! I'm so sorry you lost beautiful Jasmine. 💔 😭

Popcorn free Jasmine. We'll all miss you around here. ❤️ 🌈
If it helps I had a guinea pig pass in a very similar matter. She was fine until Saturday night then saw she was breathing very heavily like yours and stopped eating And her body started to shut down. I’m not sure what it was since she went to the vets for odd breathing sounds weeks before and couldn’t find anything wrong with her breathing or detect an infection
Oh @HeatherW, I’m so sorry you lost your utterly gorgeous fluffy beauty, so shocked to see this :(:hug:Really hope you’re ok. I’m really going to miss your gorgeous girl’s tales and her beautiful little face, she was such a cracking little feisty piglet :luv::love: Me and Cleo send ginormous hugs x
Sleep tight Jasmine you lovely girl ❤️❤️❤️ xx