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Heaving then cough?

Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
I just witnessed Elizabeth heave, her whole body was moving back and forth then she coughed and the heaving stopped. Is this normal or should I be worried? I’ve never seen a pig do it before 😞
I have had pigs do this before. It concerned me too but then all was back to normal. My old rainbow boy Jazzy used to do it a fair bit. I think when he took too big a mouthful of food or if hay was stuck at the back of his mouth.

I’m not an expert. Just someone who’s seen it before and in my case all was fine after and there was nothing to worry about. So I guess watch and monitor to see if it was a one off or if something is a miss.
One of my ladies has done this twice this year - completely isolated, no signs of anything else going on, back to normal immediately after. As she otherwise seems well I've tried not to worry, just keep an eye, but I'd love to know if anyone knows what this is!
Hector has done that a couple of times, I put it down to eating too fast, rather like what happens to us sometimes
I have also had piggies do this on occasion.
It seems to be associated with rushing their food a bit.

Just keep an eye on her, but if it doesn't happen on a regular basis and she seems fine otherwise then i wouldn't be too worried.
I just witnessed Elizabeth heave, her whole body was moving back and forth then she coughed and the heaving stopped. Is this normal or should I be worried? I’ve never seen a pig do it before 😞


It is most likely something small has gone down the wrong way. If it is a one-off, then you need not worry - whatever it was is out now.