Heatpad or not?

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Sorry to start a new thread on this but am really confused...what's new! Went to local petstore to buy snugglesafe pad as my piggies have to live outside- they are on fleece with Hutch hugger etc. Anyway the lady thought I was crazy...she asked if they were ill and when I said no she said I was in danger of making them not hardy enough to cope living outdoors! I know it's very mild in London still, but I worry about the coming months. She told me to stack the bed area with Straw...I said I used Hay as straw isn't good for their eyes and she laughed at me! Told me it was waterproof and the best thing. She nearly fell off her perch when I said they were on fleece. She reckoned that would add moisture to the air and be bad for them....not sure I followed her logic! Anyway what do you think, They have loads of hay and a hutch hugger, so do I need a pad too? 98) Sorry to rattle on Lesley
I think she should look for a new career - she clearly hasn't got a clue. Carry on girl & get heat pad - even if it's just in the cupboard - we don't know how bad the Winter will be yet so have one on standby just in case! (and I'd go to a different shop next time! ;D)
oooohhhh why haven't we got a raspberry smiley ! :tickedoff: my heat pads are my saviour in winter, yes straw is waterproof does she expect them to sit in a pool of wee? I am only 1/2 an hour or so from london and there's been a couple of nights that I have already used my heatpads :o
sammy said:
oooohhhh why haven't we got a raspberry smiley ! :tickedoff: my heat pads are my saviour in winter, yes straw is waterproof does she expect them to sit in a pool of wee? I am only 1/2 an hour or so from london and there's been a couple of nights that I have already used my heatpads :o

Raspberry smiley is brill idea ;D
I agree....I'm usually an assertive type but somehow she reduced me to a babbling fool....can't resist going in tomorrow to buy the heatpad though ( this time with attitude! )Maybe I'll put a raspberry smiley on my forehead when I go!! :D Lesley
Damonshumanslave said:
I swear petstores dont train their staff!
I agree, some pet store employees are a little 98). I would buy a heat pad, I heard lots of people use it and piggies love it!
Bought my heatpad ;D Now do I use the cover that comes with it? Does it not get soaked in wee? Lesley
I use the cover and put it under their hay ,as for the wee it's a bit hit and miss ...literally, but the covers don't take long to dry ;D ;D
Thank GOD for this site and all the proper advice u get here hey lesley....
Pretend to be on the phone to a vet or something as you Queue to pay saying LOUDLY :o "ok thanks so much so i was correct in my thinking that a heat pad is the best thing and oh hay is the bedding of choice, i thought so, ok ill let you go i know how you vets are so busy" :D or tell her to go work in Burger king, the only animals there are already dead
lesley said:
Bought my heatpad ;D Now do I use the cover that comes with it? Does it not get soaked in wee? Lesley

Pleased you got one. We love ours. We use the cover as well as i think they are a bit too hot without. Mine very rarely wee on their heatpad. I wash the cover weekly along with my other piggy washing.

Well spent £18 we love them. :smitten: :smitten:

Blooming pet shop woman knows nothing 98)
I agree that lots of pet shops dont train there staff but once we went into a pet store and although their cages were quite small and they sold lots of dusty straw, one assistant told me that there cages needed to be at least 4x2 and that you should use dust-free hay on newspaper as a bedding. He didnt insist on me buying the petshop mix, he recommended science selective, and told me not to use the salt licks as they were a waste of time! He was cleary very passionate and experienced with piggies and although he probably got fired for not promoting the merchandise the petshop sold it was nice to see someone so passionate.

I would definately reccomend the heatpads, they're amazing and certainely needed-its freezing out there tonight :o I had wear 4 layers to go out and say goodnight to the pigs and I was still freezing by the time I got in
Wow Rachey! I wish P@H staff were like that!

I'd get sacked in a week if I worked there. I'd be telling customers how to build C&C cages, to go get their piggies from a rescue, and to buy everything else from a farm shop, Lol!
I've got two heatpads now,havent used them yet but wouldnt be without them ;)
Heat pads are a big hit in our shed. Just to save the cover I also wrap mine in a towel and place this under some hay. I have started using mine as a couple of the piggies have had UTIs so wanted to give them a bit of TLC - now they moan if I don't appear with the snuggles at the end of the evening! ;D

As always, this is THE place to come to get the correct info., well done gang!
Thanks...great to get info...am going to put pad in tonight cos it's freezing here. Just to add to the discussion I read another thread about heat snugglers and there were some comments about the possibility of causing temperature fluctuations in the early hours as the pad cools and its still cold. Is this the case? Thought they would stay warm until morning but am I risking them getting too cold after being warm? Aren't I a worrier! Lesley
I've just read that as well :-\must admit am now a little confused too!
sammy said:
I've just read that as well :-\ must admit am now a little confused too!

look told you I'm confused ....posted it twice ...sorry
Hi there
I foster piggies for the rspca they are outside so i have just started puting a heat pad in with them i put it in about 8 on the evening and take it out about 8 in the morning i am not sure if they snuggle down on it all night i like to think so x
Just to say have used my heat pad twice this week and it seems fab...I also put it in at 8pm and remove at 8am when it is still warm to the touch! It holds a constant temperature for 6 hours then slowly decreases...I guess this means they don't get plunged from one extreme temperature to another, which can be a problem. So far Boo and Snowman are loving it! Lesley :D
Glad to hear the guys are loving the heat pad Lesley. My lot certainly like theirs, I have to tip them off it in the mornings when I go to take it out!
Thank heavens for heatpads.....brrr it was freezing last night,and this morning all present and correct and snuugled up on their pads all warm and cosy :smitten: :smitten:
woke up today to the first proper frost. I have ordered a heatpad from my local pet store (they really are superb and know their stuff). Is using it too early unfair on the piggies or can I go ahead and start putting in of a night time when I tuck them in?
My piggy is in a hutch in a very warm (naturally warm) shed, loads of hay and shredded paper. Should I get a heatpad? Where from? Help needed please folks!
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