Heated bonding between two adult females


New Born Pup
Oct 9, 2023
Reaction score
My senior guinea passed away about a month ago, and and decided to go on the hunt for a partner for my living guinea pig, Mocha, who is ~ 3.5 years old.
I went to a local rescue and was able to adopt Tammy who is about ~ 3 years old. Just to give you guys the backstory.
We attempted the bonding process in a neutral area yesterday on Sunday. However, when transferring Mocha from her cage to the neutral area, I forgot to remove the tunnel. So the pigs are eating hay and it seemed to be going fine until Tammy (the new pig) goes into the hidey/tunnel. And before I could remove it, Mocha blocks one entrance and Tammy goes bezerk (which I assume she feels trapped). It's pretty intense nose punching, and what I perceive as a guinea pig tornado. No fur flying, and no blood. I threw a blanket over them and separated them for the night. I split the cage with a divider so they're each in a 2x3.

I would like to reattempt to bond them over again later this week and let them hash it out until blood is drawn. Anyone with experience: do you think it's a good idea? Or is bonding these two just a no-go? I have attached videos as well.
One for the initial reaction, and one regarding the actual altercation.
Thank you for your advice.
Hi and welcome

Please abort. This bonding has failed. Once sows have made up their mind that they do not suit, they are never going to change their mind.
Ah bummer. I really wanted it to work. Would they benefit from each being in a 2x3 for the remainder of their life? Or should I just take the new guinea pig back to the rescue and try a different guinea pig?