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Jul 18, 2012
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Hi-how often do girls seem to go into heat? I've had previous girl pairs and don't seem to recall as much 'action' as these 3 girls!

They are all roughly a year old, give or take. My dominant-Rosie, often rumblestruts and puts on a show, while Pippy, the middle, squeals...well, like a stuck pig, anytime Rosie gets close. You'd think she was hurt, and I wake up a million times a night to make sure. Millie, the bottom of the pack, has started tonight! Except, she's taken it a step further and is also mounting whoever she can get near. Pippi is terrified, and runs away screaming. Rosie stands her ground, also squealing.

I've never seen Millie do this, before. Could she be trying to establish dominance? She's usually so meek and mild.

Also, they live in my husband's and my bedroom-which is the place we're in, quite a bit, DH, DD and I. Anyhow, have any other ladies noticed a increase in the above behavior during/directly before.....their 'monthly visitor'? (I'm trying to be delicate!) i've noticed that Rosie, the dominant, seems to be very much 'in tune' with my cycle. Is that strange? Has anyone else noticed this?
You may find our sow behaviour sticky at the top of this section helpful: http://www.theguineapigforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=38561

How long have you had them for and how big is their cage? Any girl can get a stronger season occasionally although a dominant top sow has them mostly (as dominance is mixed in with her season). Loud squealing is generally submission/"stay away and don'tbe mean to me".
Hi-Thanks for info on the sticky....I've had Pippy since she was about 6 weeks old, and had the Rosie and Millie on and off since they were both roughly the same age-they have lived with us full-time (which is a permanent situation) for four months now.

Rosie (dominant) certainly has the strongest and most regular 'seasons', Pippy-I've never noticed her to do it, and Millie, this is the first time I've seen this behavior.....she is the least dominant, very shy, hardly ever makes a peep. It's funny to see her all puffy and strutting around, actually. She seems to have calmed down quite a bit from last night, although the others are still keeping their distance, when they aren't playing a rousing game of what we call 'bottom train' , lol.

Oh-they have a large CC cage-roughly 5 and 1/2 feet long, 3 feet wide, everyone has an individual bed, or, should they choose, a big fuzzy pocket that fits all....one side dedicated to 2 litter boxes and 'dining room', other is 'bedroom'.... toys...a mirror....'portraits'....even a glittery chandelier, lol. Such spoiled girls-they let you know it around dinner time, too.
It sounds pretty normal. Like boars, sows can suffer from stong hormonal surges during the first year of their life (and some sows can be pretty hormonal on a regualr basis), but these antics usually do not lead to a fall out. Very occasionally, sows can get a strong season later in life.

If you are worried about your group dynamics, I would recommend to think in the long term about adopting an already neutered boar from a good rescue that has a nuetering policy for single boars and that allows you to bring your girls to "date" him.

I find that boars are very good at soaking up seasonal grumpiness and keeping the squabbling to a minimum, as they have to get on with all girls in order to mate. They will also not impinge on the sow hierarchy. However, girls have their particular tastes (especially dominant older girls), so dating is a good way of finding exactly the right man for the job. You will generally know within 15-20 minutes whether a boar has been accepted or not. As a group of sows in the wild will live with one boar to father their babies while other bachelor boars are hanging loosely around to wait for their chance at the top spot, you are very much working with the piggy instincts instead of against them.

I have currently three neutered boars, each with his own harem between one to 11 sows and I am a big fan of dating at a rescue - it makes for very happy, stable relationships and is well worth going some distance for!
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Oh, getting them in a 'sister-wife' type situation, I see....that's funny! I never thought about introducing a gentleman, and honestly, I don't think we need one. We've only had a couple of mild 'head butting' square-off's, never a blood-letting, mostly just a bunch of 'let me rub my chin all over you', or, my favorite-’let me try to squish in under YOUR chin'.

This morning, in the light of day, Miss Millie is back to her usual meek self, save for a bit of loud purring and hip swaying every bit. There is no more chasing, humping and squealing. Everyone seems to be tuckered out from the mid-night romps, and have taken to their respective favorite bed for a nap.

Do any of your broods live in the same room as you? Have you ever noticed anyone that seems to pick up on *your* 'season', lol? I swear, Rosie picks up on this!
Oh-another question, out of curiosity-do neutered boars still feel the 'urge' to mate, and do they go through the regular motions? Unlike, say, a dog-all our male dogs have been neutered within their first year, and it has taken away all sexual desires, as far as I can tell. All except for our little boy Griffy-a rescue 'Shnorkie' (shnauzer/yorkie mixed breed)-he has a special fondness for
a specific 2-3 of DD's stuffed animals, and he will attempt to have a romp whenever he can make it into her room. Never with our other dogs (a male, and a female', or people (legs or whatnot). it's strange, actually.
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Oh-another question, out of curiosity-do neutered boars still feel the 'urge' to mate, and do they go through the regular motions? Unlike, say, a dog-all our male dogs have been neutered within their first year, and it has taken away all sexual desires, as far as I can tell. All except for our little boy Griffy-a rescue 'Shnorkie' (shnauzer/yorkie mix)-he has a special fondness for
a specific 2-3 of DD's stuffed animals, and he will attempt to have a romp whenever he can make it into her room. Never with our other dogs (a male, and a female', or people (legs or whatnot). it's strange, actually.

Our poggle still mounts and does his deed with his wifepigs despite being neutered.. much to their displeasure haha. mallethead
@Charlie-that is funny! I'm sure the 'sister-wives' protest loudly. Does he only do his duty when the girls are in heat or does he just do his own thing, as he wishes? I guess I always assumed that neutering (here in Oklahoma, we call it, rather indelicately, being 'cut') took that out of a man. ;)
@Charlie-that is funny! I'm sure the 'sister-wives' protest loudly. Does he only do his duty when the girls are in heat or does he just do his own thing, as he wishes? I guess I always assumed that neutering (here in Oklahoma, we call it, rather indelicately, being 'cut') took that out of a man. ;)

He seems to do it as and when he pleases! If anything he just gets annoyed with the ladies when they pester him when they're on heat haha!

I'd have thought it would take it out of him.. but apparently not haha, either that or he;s just particularly randy! haha.
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