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Heat stroke prevention

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Claire W

Forum Donator 2024/25
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
Lancashire (Originally from Nottingham)
I am pretty sure that my girls do not have this but I am paranoid about them getting it because it is soooo hot here at the minute. They were out in their run almost all day yesterday. I placed a towel over half their run to provide shade, a frozen water bottle to snuggle up to and a bottle of water to drink. Today however and for the rest of the week, myself and OH are at work so they'll be in their hutch all day in the outhouse with the door open until we get home and can put them in their run. Any advise on how to keep them cooler whilst in their hutch and run? Also, what are the symptoms of heat stroke? I am just so paranoid :( p.s there is no electricity supply outside so a fan is out of the question :-\
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