Heat lamp advice


New Born Pup
Jan 22, 2019
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Hi all

Does any know if I can use a small heat lamp in my hutch? Anyone got any recommendations?

I've just read it might feel like - 9 next week! Last year when we had the beast from the east, I brought them in the house for a few days, but I can't do that this year because my 15 month old is allergic to them 😭

They have a microwave heat pad, plenty of bedding including fleece blankets and their hutch is covered in a cover, blanket and a duvet for some protection, but id like to offer them some extra heat if I can. Any suggestions would be much appreciated x
Thank you, I'll have a look through the threads. No, they aren't in a shed, but their hutch is in quite a protected bit of garden so they aren't fully exposed. I might just buy a second microwave pad and rotate them so they have them all day and night during the cold snap.
Is your hutch in a shed or garage? Plenty of members have posted about heaters for their sheds etc. Here is one thread about this Shed Heaters-cheap to run ones
This is a good question.
If you can describe their set up in a little more detail we can probably offer better suggestions.

I am also not sure about a heat lamp, but I know someone on here who did have an electric blanket hanging over their hutch (suitably covered and sheltered of course) who found that offered a good amount of heat.

Are your water bottles freezing at night?
I have outdoor rabbits (not quite the same I know) and it has been dropping to well below freezing most nights for nearly a month here now (Switzerland).
So far I have only had one icy (not fully frozen) water bottle, which tells me that temps in the hutch are ok.
My hutch is underneath a lean to shelter (roof and three sides with a large overhang at the front) and is insulated with polystyrene sheets, then bubble wrap, then a thermal fitted hutch cover. I also have a blanket across the top (underneath the hutch hugger) which I drop down at night to give added protection at the front.

I think it helps not to let the hutch get too cold in the first place, so as soon as the sun goes down I do up all of the covers and add 2 snuggle safe pads inside the hutch. I replace the snuggle safes with warm ones again before I go to bed (around 11pm), and so far this seems to work well to keep everyone warm and happy.
Of course they also have a bedroom area with a large box with a small door cut in it and this is stuffed with extra bedding too.
i have some outdoor piggies,i use 8 heat pads,heat twice aday.i use vetbed inpart of the hutch.use cardboard boxes stuffed with hay.all seem warm.i have a hugger,cover ,over my hutches, they are against the fence and next to the house ! also the piggies are in herds of 4,all cuddle together..