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heart failure / stroke issue


New Born Pup
May 4, 2022
Reaction score
my daughter leave me forever on 4JUNE2022. first from fluid lungs, after going to vet she ok. after 8month she have heart failure issue. everything start from revisit vet. i send to vet because i notice she always chocking / coughing. after take baytril antibiotic for 4days, she slowly less drink & eat. vet ask just complate the antibiotic. if stop, after this any antibiotic will cannot respond. so i just follow even from my research thats the side effect but not sure long term or short term. after that sometimes she eat drink normal sometimes no. poo also not normal. then got revisit vet again, doct said seems my daughter got bloating. then continue medicine. until few days, she slowly less eat drink & directly stop eat or drink. week 1 she still eat but really less. until she stop directly, i force feeding using cc oxbow. so i bring to another vet, they said seems stasis & heart problem. they ask me to take medicine for my daughther until 14days. she become more worst until 3days more to finish the medicine. after eat cc, suddenly cannot move. sitting with tilted, look like stroke one side. so she just lay down. left side eyes looks so diffrent so i bring to emergency. doct said seems like neuro issue. between less sugar in body or brain issue. heart pump not reach to brain. so she get 4injection. xray taken but doct said stomach already cannot see & heart seems slightly swollen. xray also really not good. doct said the enjection effect will finish within 24hours & continue steroid. so first 24hours she just lay down. eat when i feeding cc. eat bit fresh vegetable on morning. until next days after 24hours, whole day sleeping with me. night around 11pm, i notice her got bit fast breath. look weak than yesterday. she also dont want to eat when i feed cc, so i stop to feed. then 2hours ago, suddenly she look like wanna swimming. might heart slowly failure pump the oxygen to brain for oxygen. 1hour i focus to her & the swimming looks become not too fast. so i put her at her bed. at that time I'm ready if anything happen because i really feel she trying to show me her strength. even she really pain inside. then after i out from my room for a while, when i look at my daughter, she already left me forever with pretty face, slightly closed eyes, and got bit blood comeout from nose & got bit cc i feed comeout from her mouth. her condition so tidy make me feel from few hours before, she just waiting i out from my room for a while & she can calmy closed her eyes. i really feel empty now even got another babies. because my daughter is the one closed to me for 2years. go travel also i bring her with me. since the day she left me, i cry & everynight she in my dream. o really miss her. i hug her bed that still have her smell & dry blood that comeout from her nose before. i still not wash it. i dont know isit my mistake revisit her to vet & maybe because the antibiotic side effect or other reason. iloveyou my pretty daughter🌸 RIP MARIO❤️


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Oh I'm so so sorry you've lost Mario. It sounds like you did everything you could for her and she would have known how much you loved her. You sound like a truly dedicated, loving piggy mum.
Having recently lost my guinea pig Eric I understand how hard it is. I cried all the time pretty much for days. But it does get easier slowly, I promise. You will never forget her but you will be able to look back at photos and think of her and smile instead of cry one day ❤️
Oh I'm so so sorry you've lost Mario. It sounds like you did everything you could for her and she would have known how much you loved her. You sound like a truly dedicated, loving piggy mum.
Having recently lost my guinea pig Eric I understand how hard it is. I cried all the time pretty much for days. But it does get easier slowly, I promise. You will never forget her but you will be able to look back at photos and think of her and smile instead of cry one day ❤️
every second i miss her. i dont know isit my fault revisit her & feed her many medicine. while her sick, I'm happy everyday have chance to force feed my daughter. even my another kids also have, but Mario really closed with me. me also dont know isit cavy can got many health issue if stat alone just friend with they owner. but my time a lot with her. i dont know which one is my fault. u also got same issue with your cavy?
It’s not your fault. Unfortunately piggies can be fragile creatures and some just can’t be saved.
Cherish the memories of the time you had with her and not focus on her passing.
It’s not your fault. Unfortunately piggies can be fragile creatures and some just can’t be saved.
Cherish the memories of the time you had with her and not focus on her passing.
yaa thats true. maybe I'm just feel empty. i just always thinking why vet also dont know what the real illness my daughther facing. i just send flower to my daughter heaven place with try to not crying & show my strength. but when I'm home, i look around i hug her bed & pillow, at the last, i crying. if u have same situation with me before, u are so welcome to share. I'm still research even my daughter already sleeping at heaven now. thankyou :)
You've done nothing wrong here at all. You've done your best for you guinea pig and that's all we can do. It's normal to feel guilty. Be kind to yourself x
You've done nothing wrong here at all. You've done your best for you guinea pig and that's all we can do. It's normal to feel guilty. Be kind to yourself x
what happen to your Eric? maybe for people it just a small pet. but for me, Mario like my daughter. i treat her like human. but she trying to show strong even last day with me. she closed eyes after 1-2hour i talk to my self if u suffer just because want make your mama keep smile, please rest how long u need. this my first time i talk to my self like this while she survive & she waiting for me to letting her go even i cannot 😞
I’m so sorry you have lost beautiful Mario. Take care ❤️
I'm so sorry for your loss, and I know the pain of revisiting events to try and make sense of everything. What went wrong and what could we have done different. Sometimes even doing things differently would not have changed the outcome so it is be impossible to know - but it is our nature to wonder about it. But your lovely girl is at peace now and she would want you to remember her with love and happiness for the good times. I find my remaining piggies a comfort when this happens - they feel the loss too so we console each other.

I have not had exactly the same problem but I did once lose a piggy to fluid on the lungs - she was about 5 years old and it came on very fast one day after she had snuffed up a little drop of water in her nose in the morning. I rushed her to the vet in the afternoon but vet said lungs already full of fluid and in truth we barely made it home from the vet before she crawled into her bedroom and died. They are very fragile sometimes. The antibiotic that was prescribed is considered very safe for piggies and although occasionally they might have a problem most of the time they are completely fine with it. It's possible that your girl was more sensitive, but it's also possible that her underlying condition did not help her gut problems. I think if your beloved girl had a heart problem you would not have been able to correct this and could only try and help her live the best life that she could until her time came. Like people, once they have had a serious stroke their options are limited.

What you describe as 'swimming' happens when a piggy reaches the end of it's life and we sometimes refer to this as 'running to the rainbow bridge'. It is thought that our pigs are not usually aware of what is happening by this point but we know when this begins that the end is close and they will soon leave us. You made her very comfortable at the end. They do not realise that they live for a short time because it is only our long human lives that makes us think like this - they just count all their happy 'todays'. After 10 years of piggies I have had a few losses and I know it's very hard the first time you have to clean the cage. But you took such good care of this poorly girl and did everything you could for her. We are all part of life and we are all on the same journey - it's just that we humans take a little bit longer to get there. Take care, we will all be thinking about you x
I had a friend.
Who's body was small.
But if measured in love,
She would stand so tall.
She d’ hear about my day,
Never wanted anything back,
Except maybe a cuddle,
Or blueberry snack.
One day, she grew old,
She was weak, she was slow,
I never wanted him to leave,
But I had to let her go.
My friends, they didn't get it,
They wondered why I cried.
Can't you just buy another, they said,
As / stood there teary eyes,
And at first I felt anger,
Why couldn't they see?
Despite your size you were my friend,
You were special to me.
But then, I just smiled.
Shared with our tiny friends,
I hope you're up there running free
With blueberries in hand.
I'm lucky to have shared a love,
Some will never understand.



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What a beautiful tribute to Mario. I’m so sorry you lost her despite all your best efforts, sadly sometimes they just can’t be saved. Treasure your memories, as one day in the future they won’t cause pain but joy that you had chance to share your life with her :hug:

Sleep tight little Mario 🌈
I'm so sorry for your loss, and I know the pain of revisiting events to try and make sense of everything. What went wrong and what could we have done different. Sometimes even doing things differently would not have changed the outcome so it is be impossible to know - but it is our nature to wonder about it. But your lovely girl is at peace now and she would want you to remember her with love and happiness for the good times. I find my remaining piggies a comfort when this happens - they feel the loss too so we console each other.

I have not had exactly the same problem but I did once lose a piggy to fluid on the lungs - she was about 5 years old and it came on very fast one day after she had snuffed up a little drop of water in her nose in the morning. I rushed her to the vet in the afternoon but vet said lungs already full of fluid and in truth we barely made it home from the vet before she crawled into her bedroom and died. They are very fragile sometimes. The antibiotic that was prescribed is considered very safe for piggies and although occasionally they might have a problem most of the time they are completely fine with it. It's possible that your girl was more sensitive, but it's also possible that her underlying condition did not help her gut problems. I think if your beloved girl had a heart problem you would not have been able to correct this and could only try and help her live the best life that she could until her time came. Like people, once they have had a serious stroke their options are limited.

What you describe as 'swimming' happens when a piggy reaches the end of it's life and we sometimes refer to this as 'running to the rainbow bridge'. It is thought that our pigs are not usually aware of what is happening by this point but we know when this begins that the end is close and they will soon leave us. You made her very comfortable at the end. They do not realise that they live for a short time because it is only our long human lives that makes us think like this - they just count all their happy 'todays'. After 10 years of piggies I have had a few losses and I know it's very hard the first time you have to clean the cage. But you took such good care of this poorly girl and did everything you could for her. We are all part of life and we are all on the same journey - it's just that we humans take a little bit longer to get there. Take care, we will all be thinking about you x
What a beautiful tribute to Mario. I’m so sorry you lost her despite all your best efforts, sadly sometimes they just can’t be saved. Treasure your memories, as one day in the future they won’t cause pain but joy that you had chance to share your life with her :hug:

Sleep tight little Mario 🌈
thanks buddy 💚
I'm so sorry for your loss, and I know the pain of revisiting events to try and make sense of everything. What went wrong and what could we have done different. Sometimes even doing things differently would not have changed the outcome so it is be impossible to know - but it is our nature to wonder about it. But your lovely girl is at peace now and she would want you to remember her with love and happiness for the good times. I find my remaining piggies a comfort when this happens - they feel the loss too so we console each other.

I have not had exactly the same problem but I did once lose a piggy to fluid on the lungs - she was about 5 years old and it came on very fast one day after she had snuffed up a little drop of water in her nose in the morning. I rushed her to the vet in the afternoon but vet said lungs already full of fluid and in truth we barely made it home from the vet before she crawled into her bedroom and died. They are very fragile sometimes. The antibiotic that was prescribed is considered very safe for piggies and although occasionally they might have a problem most of the time they are completely fine with it. It's possible that your girl was more sensitive, but it's also possible that her underlying condition did not help her gut problems. I think if your beloved girl had a heart problem you would not have been able to correct this and could only try and help her live the best life that she could until her time came. Like people, once they have had a serious stroke their options are limited.

What you describe as 'swimming' happens when a piggy reaches the end of it's life and we sometimes refer to this as 'running to the rainbow bridge'. It is thought that our pigs are not usually aware of what is happening by this point but we know when this begins that the end is close and they will soon leave us. You made her very comfortable at the end. They do not realise that they live for a short time because it is only our long human lives that makes us think like this - they just count all their happy 'todays'. After 10 years of piggies I have had a few losses and I know it's very hard the first time you have to clean the cage. But you took such good care of this poorly girl and did everything you could for her. We are all part of life and we are all on the same journey - it's just that we humans take a little bit longer to get there. Take care, we will all be thinking about you x
* running to the rainbow bridge * i love this words. the time my daughter being like the situation, i already prepare my self. after i talk to my self, if u show me your strength but u become suffer like this, just only want make your mama happy, please dont. then after few hour she closed her eyes. i really miss my beautiful daughter. since from baby until adult, really never bothered right her mama. when travel, stay calm in my hotel room. sometimes sit properly inside my handbag when i going out. I'm really traine her like human, but god more love her. everyday I'm visit her memorial & talk to her with love. everyday i wish good morning when I'm awake & goodnight when i in bed. i still hug her bed & her smell still there. one day that smell will gone, I'm just wish the smell not only for temporary but i know it impossible. how long your 5 years old piggies survive?
Ah my Eric had a large stone in his bladder that caused him serious issues. He was on strong pain relief and had the stone removed but didn't recover as well as hoped from the operation and passed away on my lap the next morning 😢

What a beautiful poem you have written for Mario. I told Eric that night it was OK for him to go if he wanted to, even if I didn't want him to. Sometimes we have to let them go when it's time x
ohh i see. hard to pee right? but as i know if guinea pig do any operation, the risk will be your situation. sorry to hear that 😞
That's right! He had been struggling to pee and it was painful for him. The vet said if we didn't try the operation he wouldn't make it much longer. It actually went really well, but he was just too weak to survive due to the toxins building up in his body from not being able to wee properly 😔😢
sad to hear that. all of them show strength to owner but inside they suffer. 😞
That's so very true, they hide their pain so well.
Just know you're not on your own going through your grief. I am grieving for Eric still too. But I know he is looking after me from up in the sky in Heaven, and Mario is looking out for you too.
Maybe they've even met each other! ❤️
how long your 5 years old piggies survive
The piggy in my photo is now 5 1/2. He is about the oldest I've had. Most of my piggies come to me as adults already - from rescues or left-over single pigs from people who had bought pairs for family pets - so I don't know exactly how old many of them have been! They cone to find piggy company at my house. Some are with me for years but some are already old and only here a few months before they reach their end. I have never had a heart condition piggy but I have lost some at about 3, an age when things can start to go wrong in their body. Some have had to have a surgery but not been able to pull through after. One had something wrong in his brain but was happy until the end. One little girl I nursed for 6 weeks before she went and we never found out what was wrong. It breaks me when they pass, and the longer you nurse them the more painful it is. The love and pain you feel for Mario is testament to the bond you had. You give them each a little piece of your heart and they take it with them when they go 💕
**It's good to see you re doing better**
GRIEF. **initial loss made sense** IT WAS
NOT HERE. but **i dont always cry** AND
**i stopped crying, but i was grieving**
but the truth is, sometimes i still crying.



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Ah my Eric had a large stone in his bladder that caused him serious issues. He was on strong pain relief and had the stone removed but didn't recover as well as hoped from the operation and passed away on my lap the next morning 😢

What a beautiful poem you have written for Mario. I told Eric that night it was OK for him to go if he wanted to, even if I didn't want him to. Sometimes we have to let them go when it's time x
FRIDAY 24JUNE2O22 ~ my day without you my princess. but u always in my heart. until my last breath. mama promise you my sweetheart. i miss everything about you. thankyou for being good daughter & bring happiness in my life. mama love you so much my lovely Mario 🌸🌈💕



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