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Heart beat?!

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May 8, 2011
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One of my guinea pigs heart is beating really harsh!If he is just sitting there his whole body moves just from his heart beat,I can feel it too..its constant,it happens whether his heart is beating fast or slow!

If it is beating fast he makes a little noise.

He is eating and drinking fine,has no signs on URI

does anyone know what this is?

I think il just bring him to the vets because I'm worried about him!:...

i'd be calling your vets love........ all paws and fingers crossed that all is OK XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
I rang the vet and the receptionist said I would have to bring him in tomorrow!

I'm in work until 9 tonight and I asked if I could drop him in and collect him on my break and she said no!
He's still the same,he's been like that since last night,I might try post a video of him

He is still eating and drinking all normal

Thanks for asking!x
I'm going to either get my mam to bring him at half 2 or bring him myself on my lunch break at half 4..I'm real worried about him!
Good idea. I really hope he is okay. Keep us posted with how it goes.
I took my piggy to the vets and he has a serious URI

she said it wasn't his heart it was him gasping for air!

The vets said he might not make it,she gave him and three injections and I took him home,He crawled up into my arms and died about ten minutes after I took him home!

I'm so upset and sorry I didn't get him to the vets sooner!I have had him since he was born!

and I just feel horrible!
Sorry to hear that. GP's are prey animals and very good at hiding the fact they are ill. You did all you could. HUGS.
Oh my god I am so upset and sorry to hear such sad news. How awful for you. Please do not blame yourself as this is no way your fault. It sounds like he was seriously unwell. I am so sorry for your loss. I know you must be heartbroken. If you ever wish to talk then please pm me.
Oh my god I am so upset and sorry to hear such sad news. How awful for you. Please do not blame yourself as this is no way your fault. It sounds like he was seriously unwell. I am so sorry for your loss. I know you must be heartbroken. If you ever wish to talk then please pm me.

Thank you so much,its so nice to have people that share the same love for piggies,and understand how heartbreaking it is to lose one!
I really wish I had of noticed sooner how bad he was,he went downhill so quick!
He was such a sweetheart and I will miss him so much!x
Of course you will miss him. I lost my guinea pig two weeks ago and I think about her everyday. I miss her like hell. I am just so sorry you have to go through this awful pain.
((HUGS))- I'm so sorry. They can get so sick so fast... it's heartbreaking. Rest in peace, little guy.
Please don.t blame yourself for not getting to the vets sooner, from what you said it wouldn't have saved him. I know how you feel I am still upset loosing my piggie Magic, it was 2 weeks ago and I still miss him.:(
Its so hard isn't it,I'm looking at his cage mate teddy now who is his dad and he just looks so sad :(

I have even put him in with the girls but he is still sitting on his own....its heartbreaking!
Is he neutered? If so maybe you can bond him with the girls. He needs company,poor thing.
Oh I am so sorry - piggies really can leave us within a few hours. x
Yes he is so he will be fine in with the girls!

he seems to be getting on grand now,he was a bit quiet this morning!
I am so sorry for your loss. Guinea pigs can be heartbreaking. RIP little one xx
I'm so sorry :( I can totally relate to what you're going through because the same thing happened to my little Oreo last June the night before I resat a maths exam of all times :( he was fine all day then i went to bring him in from the run and :0 it's awful to lose them so suddenly

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