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Heart attack of the night/day


Junior Guinea Pig
Mar 21, 2024
Reaction score
United states
TLDR:my animals are arse holes

Either my cat or my arse hole of a guinea pig opened the front door to the cage and my cat just walked on in the cage like he didn't have a care in the world haha my pig alerted me that something was happening with her and her sister and I saw on the nanny cam he was in the cage sniffing them and trying to eat their hay.
My mom wanted me to ask how likely is it for a healthy guinea pig to have a heart attack from a scare?
I also posted this on reddit and sometimes I don't like the people on their they are mean
How scary that your cat got in with your piggies. Are they ok? I’m a bit confused.

Yes I do think piggies can have a heart attack from a scare. I hope they are ok.
It can happen but I’m not sure any of us can answer how likely in each case. I would think all you can really do is watch your piggies for any signs they are distressed by what has happened, and obviously find a way to secure the cage so only you can open it.

I hope they are ok

It is possible for a guinea pig to have a heart attack but they can also die from the external or internl injuries from being bitten, picked up and shaken by predatory pets. Please make sure that your guinea pigs are in a safe cage.
What kind of cage do you have? With C and C cages, it can be worth cable tying the grids together for extra security. As Betsy said, putting a padlock on the cage might be a good idea.
Is it possible to keep the cat out of the room your guinea pigs are in?
How terrifying for you and the piggies, I hope you can find a way to make sure it doesn't happen again.
They are fine my cats an arse but he wouldn't bite them he actually cleans them and I zip tied the front and ties ribbons on the top

It is possible for a guinea pig to have a heart attack but they can also die from the external or internl injuries from being bitten, picked up and shaken by predatory pets. Please make sure that your guinea pigs are in a safe cage.
The front door is zip tied shut its not opening my cat is an arse but the most he seems to do is try and pet and groom them he is currently more interested in the orchard grass and trying to eat that
Update for everyone the girls are fine and happy go lucky they are running around and popping and eating etc the norm for piggles. They are seem to continue to get along with our cats thank goodness my youngest brat from last night he seems very interested in the orchard grass 😄 😀 no one is having any issues I have a nanny camera on them I just gave them breakfast it's 7:38 am when posting this just wanted to give an update
What kind of cage do you have? With C and C cages, it can be worth cable tying the grids together for extra security. As Betsy said, putting a padlock on the cage might be a good idea.
Is it possible to keep the cat out of the room your guinea pigs are in?
How terrifying for you and the piggies, I hope you can find a way to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Standard cage for now and plan on pad locking the lid once its built need some more pieces before it's done