he won't do it

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 17, 2007
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My OH will not rub my feet ,come every one i need back up to make him do it!

I been on my feet allday and walked the dog i need some love??/
my hubby always rubs my feet for me - tell him you are being neglected ;D
Bobbsgirl i love you,IT WORKED lol i don't believe it,

big hugs ;D

I having my feet rubbed, i having my feet rubbed
yuk i hate having my head and neck touched, they try to do that at my hair dressers, they get reaaaaaaaallly upset when i say don't
my hubby will rub my feet! Same if I have a scratch! You know, it's murder when you can't reach!
anyone do shoulders, mine are killing me! ;D
Sorry, also meant to put in my last post:

I'm glad I was able to help! ;D O0
Ooooh I love having my feet rubbed :smitten: :smitten:

The only time my OH indulged me was when I was pregnant. ::)
;D my mum always gets me to rub her feet! lol I hate doing it but love it when I get my feet rubbed :)
I cant touch feet..just looking at them makes my skin crawl, like I'm always telling my bf i wish we had wheels instead of feet ;D
2funny 2funny 2funny 2funny 2funny wheels instead of feet, good one O0
I need a neck and shoulder massage, must've slept wrong grrrrr must ask OH to oblige :)
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