He licks....a lot?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score

My guinea pig Rumplewicks (7mnths old, male) is obsessed with licking my fingers. It even gets to the point where he will stretch out and desperately try to get to them just to lick. My other guinea pig does not do this. I've come up with the idea that Rumplewicks likes the salt on my skin which leads me to the second part of my question (the first one being why does he do this); should I get him a salt block?
And in terms of getting him more things to chew so he won't lick my fingers, is colored/flavored wood okay?

(Guinness and Rumplewicks)
I can't really help I'm sorry.
One of my girls is notorious for licking, I see it as her giving piggy kisses, but I think it may be to do with the salt/ the just like the taste.
I wouldn't get them a salt lick as they are not very good for them, as they shouldn't have too much salt. I don't know about coloured/flavoured wood, but you can get normal wooden gnaw sticks, which do not have the excess colour or flavouring. Personally, my girls do not touch wooden sticks they like to chew on their wooden bridge occasionally but not a lot. I find my girls love willow balls/ hay balls and it keeps them entertained for a while.
Hi, some guineapigs do like to lick! and it is most likely because of the salt as you say, however, they do not need and shouldn't be given salt blocks.
one of my piggies also loves to lick and if i put my face up to him he will give me kisses on my nose.
your pig will probably always enjoy licking your fingers despite giving him other things to chew but if you want to give him coloured wood so long as it has been sold as suitable for rabbits/ guinea pigs it should be fine :)
Some guinea pigs seem to lick more than others. My girl Sundae likes to lick fingers, noses, faces, arms, whatever! I too suspect it's because of the salt, but I just call them kisses and feel loved! I wouldn't give a salt block- they are not supposed to be necessary or healthy for guinea pigs.
My Caramel licks my nose, chin, cheeks, in fact everywhere! If I make kissing noises at her she tries to lick my lips I always think of them as kisses
My Gino is a licker :)) If hes out for cuddles, he nuzzles my neck and licks...I love it lol! And if I put my face down to him he licks my nose....Piggy kisses!
Thanks everyone! I won't get a salt block that's for sure! And I guess I'll just pretend he's kissing x> >
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