He Hates Bathing

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 23, 2013
Reaction score
Virginia, USA
Sprite hates bathing, he always has hated it, and he does guinea pig acrobatics when I try to make the water deep enough for him to swim. He lunges out of the water, trying to jump at me while he's in the bath tub. Is there an easy way to make guinea pig baths more fun?
You must never fill the water deep enough so he can swim. He will be terrified. Are you sure he needs these baths? Excess bathing can dry out skin. My boy has had two baths in a year and only because he had mites. I put them in a bath and gently pour water onto their backs. I would never have them in water as they would hate it.
You must never fill the water deep enough so he can swim. He will be terrified. Are you sure he needs these baths? Excess bathing can dry out skin. My boy has had two baths in a year and only because he had mites. I put them in a bath and gently pour water onto their backs. I would never have them in water as they would hate it.
Sprite usually prefers swimming other than anything else and hates the sink which is cleanest, I think I'll have to deal with his anger and problem solve. We also give him a bath every two months, sometimes earlier if we take him outside. Thanks for the advice!
Bathing every two months is a lot. Guinea pigs do not like swimming and must not be put in a position were it is possible.
I rarely bath my guinea pigs as they don't need it. The one who gets washed the most is Romano, my long haired guinea pig and I tend to use a wet cloth just to wipe his back end clean. He only gets a full bath when I want to cut his hair super short nearer the summer. Guinea pigs really don't need bathing much.

But as for advice, place a matt or something for them to stand on, have the water roughly up to their bellies and have your hand held out in front of your piggie. He/she will place his/her front paws on your hands and feel more elevated and calmer, less like they are going to drown.
Can I suggest a gentle shower instead? They really dislike standing in any height of water however shallow, I've found! The best way around that for me was to sit them in the bath and use the shower on them to wet them then rinse the shampoo off. You'll need to mind their eyes and ears though.
Yep only if nesesery my one wets herself (vet said its not uti) x
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