What eye drops have you been given (brand name)? Is it drops or gel? If you can order a carbomer based eye gel from online, then it would be more effective than just drops. The gel you can give 3 times a day (try for a rough 8 hours cycle) while the drops you can give up to 6 times a day every 3-4 hours while you are awake. The gel helps with both the healing process in the deeper layers of the eye (reaching deeper than the isathal) as well as with the comfort on the surface. Gel is more effective and longer lasting than drops. Please check what you have got.
You have to wait for at least 30 minutes after you give the antibiotic isathal drops to allow it to be fully absorbed before you give any rehydrating gel or drops.
For applying any drops, please genly pull down the lower lid and aim for the gap. Gel you can just dab on the surface and if necessary, very, very gently massage under the eye lid so it gets to the site of the poke if that is needed; but don't overdo it.
Use our piggy whispering tips if needed and have them munching on something they love so their attention is diverted.
Understanding Prey Animal Instincts, Guinea Pig Whispering and Cuddling Tips
Who is the Boss - Your Guinea Pig or You?
The good news is that the vast majority of hay pokes - even though they are looking bad - actually heal up well and without complications. It is going to look worse for a while, especially when the blood supply kicks in that brings fresh blodd/oxygen to the injured site for the healing process in about a week's time, which can throw owners because this normally happens invisibly under the skin. The vessels will disappear again as soon as the healing process is done.
Your initial aim is get rid of the ulceration gunk on and underneath the eye surface and to stop the infection. Try to space out the eye meds as regularly as you can around your daily life and sleep and be religious about getting them in. The body will do its own part.