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Hay Poke?


New Born Pup
Jul 13, 2022
Reaction score
Maryland, US
Hello all. I just got home from work and noticed my Gohper had a little blood around his eye and what looks like a skin tag on the bottom of his eye where the white is. He normally does have bulging under eyes. He seems fine, eating as normal, drinking, talking, greeted me as normal when I got home and even is laying next to me after having floor time. I was able to clean up the little blood around but now I am curious as what this could be.

Not sure how to add a picture as it isn’t letting me currently.
Ouch, please do get him seen by a vet, particularly as it is bleeding. Eyes are considered urgent but I know getting into see a vet in the US isn’t as easy as it is here in the UK.
The bleeding has stopped and was majority dry when I got home. I just cleaned him up, trying for a vet now.
The bleeding has stopped and was majority dry when I got home. I just cleaned him up, trying for a vet now.

All the best! The sooner he can be seen and treated, the more quick and easy will be the recovery. ;)

The reddish bits of tissue peeking out are from a swollen conjunctiva. Antibiotic eye drops will hopefully sort out the problem.