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Hay mites cleaning


Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 10, 2022
Reaction score
Yorkshire, UK
Hi all, one of our 3 piggies has static/hay mites
We've got the treatment from the vet but I'm a bit confused on cleaning. We have a weekly cycle of fleece bedding which will be changed today with treatment given to all pigs. but given the mites can't last long without a host, do we need ot wash everything they've not been using eg can we use clean bedding we've had stored for a week waiting to be used?

Seeing different protocols from cleaning the cage with diluted bleach and water (won't be doing that) to someone saying the treatment plus their normal cleanign routine got rid of them.

It seems like a mild case given only one of 3 pigs has them and she doesn't seem very bothered by them at all, has even gained weight.

TLDR: recommended cleaning protocol and what to use for hay mties
We recommend that you give first treatment then change the bedding a few days later.
Then normal cleaning routine until the second treatment.
Then second treatment then change the bedding a few days later.
Then normal until third treatment.
Third treatment, change bedding a few days later.

F10 is a good disinfectant. I buy the concentrate and make it up myself. Weakest dose as general cleaner, slightly stronger doseas a six weekly deep clean
Thank you! I was wondering if there needed to be a stagger between treatment and bedding change! So glad I asked.

So better to use this F10 stuff than the vinegar we usually use for cleaning?
We recommend that you give first treatment then change the bedding a few days later.
Then normal cleaning routine until the second treatment.
Then second treatment then change the bedding a few days later.
Then normal until third treatment.
Third treatment, change bedding a few days later.

F10 is a good disinfectant. I buy the concentrate and make it up myself. Weakest dose as general cleaner, slightly stronger doseas a six weekly deep clean
Sorry the F10 -are you using that for the cage, or bedding or both?
F10 is a vet grade disinfectant, it’s good stuff.

F10 is for cleaning the cages.
I don’t use fabric bedding, but you would just wash that as you normally do
Got another question on this: we have a wooden hidey we use all the time - can we keep using this?
If you have some F10 then yes. What I do is make up a bucket of F10, soak wooden items in it for a while and then leave them to dry before giving back to the pigs
If you have some F10 then yes. What I do is make up a bucket of F10, soak wooden items in it for a while and then leave them to dry before giving back to the pigs
oh great so we don'#t have to keep them away form themn for a few weeks then, just disinfect, dry and good to go? Are you using the 2 ml to 1 litre dilution for that?
I think it is the 2ml/1 litre.

Half an hour to an hour but I’m not all that good at remembering so they may stay in a bit longer!
What is the timing between doses of Xeno? I thought I saw 7 to 10 days between doses somewhere but just seen a few posts saying longer than that. If it is longer will the piggies be ok given I've given them 2 doses 8 days apart?