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Hay mite


New Born Pup
Feb 13, 2022
Reaction score
I have one long haired pig and when she gets a mite seems particularly hard to get rid of. Last time I used ivectermin drops and eventually went to the vet who used a injection that worked long term it wasn’t ivectermin something newer. It worked last year. Now she has a mite again and the drops aren’t working again. She was a rescue so had a couple of ivectermin injections when I first got her too to get rid so wonder it’s possible she has become resistant. I’ve seen some shampoos and wondering if they are worn trying? Last year she also seemed to have dry skin the vet tested and nothing fungal. I get the feeling she maybe struggles with her skin more than other pigs. Can anyone advise any other best treatment? Thanks 🙏🏼
Any drops which you can buy from a pet shop are not strong enough to deal with a mite infestation.
They may temporarily suppress but because they are too low dosed, they cannot fully cure a mite problem. They are designed for prevention not cure, but we do not recommend using them as a preventative in any event. Due to their low dosage, there is a risk of resistance forming which is another reason for not using them.
Whenever a piggy has mites, you should always go straight to the vet for prescription strength treatment, and not attempt to use any home treatments, shampoos or pet shop products as they just won’t be good enough to stop the problem.

Please also change your hay source, keep her hair cut shorter and disinfect the cage.

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Hi has anyone had any pigs where ivectermin drops just don’t seem to work? And if so what did you use?

Thanks 🙏🏼
Hi has anyone had any pigs where ivectermin drops just don’t seem to work? And if so what did you use?

Thanks 🙏🏼

Are they prescription from the vet?
If not, then as I mention above, pet shop products are not strong enough to cure an active infestation.
Yeh from the vet. Had it happen a couple of years ago too with drops from vet hence asking this Q