Me again, I noticed Mack has a piece of hay under/in his eye… doesn’t seem to be in pain. Just wondering if I need to get it out? If so, how?
Thank you for your response! Luckily shortly after I posted the hay came out on its own. Thank godHi
If the hay is still there (it can get firmly wedged under the lid) by tomorrow, then please see a vet. Getting it out yourself can be rather tricky unless it sticks to the rim of eye from where you can ge hold of it safely.
Glad that the problem has sorted itself.Thank you for your response! Luckily shortly after I posted the hay came out on its own. Thank god
hsi eye seems fine so far! mack has good luck i guessGlad that the problem has sorted itself.
Most of them do if they are just sitting loosely on the surface; that is why I asked you to wait until tomorrow befor contacting a vet.
Please keep a casual eye out on the eye in the coming days in case the piece of hay has scratched the eye surface and it is going infected (i.e. developing a cloudy ulceration on the eye surface). In this case, you need to see a vet promptly, ideally within 24 hours.
hsi eye seems fine so far! mack has good luck i guess