Hay and Readigrass help


Junior Guinea Pig
May 11, 2017
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Firstly I would like to start this post with MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all and that I've read various posts on this subject 

I'm struggling to find a hay that my guinea pigs really seem to eat, enjoy and not waste a lot. I've tried various shop bought ones and while hay is good for bedding, warmth and enrichment too, we all know it's really important for them to eat. So I'm concerned they aren't really eating it.

I've always had lot of success with readigrass, they love it. But I see a lot of concerns raised about the calcium levels and should be used as more of a treat rather than a staple like hay.

I've also tried bales of hay from local farms but this can come with issues. The last lot gave them lice/mites.

Can anyone recommend any shop bought hay that they have good success with. I really appreciate any advice and recommendations you can give.
Merry Christmas to you too.

Are their weights stable? If so, then they are indeed eating enough of the hay you are currently giving them. Readigrass is too rich for piggies and should only be a treat.

I used to use Haybox for both meadow hay and timothy hay. I now use farm bales of meadow hay (I get through so much meadow with six animals (plus with them living in a shed it uses even more for bedding)) but still get my timothy from Haybox. The subscription and delivery of Haybox is so convenient and the hay quality is absolutely brilliant.
There weight seems certainly stable but I always worry they don't eat enough hay. I will certainly give haybox a try. Really appreciate that
I use Natures Own and my pigs like it to eat as well as sleep/play in.
I agree Kath T, this is the best general one yet but I really struggle locally to source it.
Some guinea pigs won't seem to be eating much hay but they actually are eating more than you realise. As for the stuff they seemingly waste, some of that will be stalks and bits that aren't good to eat. You and I can't easily tell the difference, hay is just hay, but to a guinea pig it is a varied buffet and they are choosy. Some parts are wonderful delicacies, while others are just the tablecloth, and we can't expect them to eat the tablecloth.

Also, the hay is valuable as bedding and enrichment as well as food, so even the stuff that doesn't get eaten is not really wasted.
Just dropping in to say I feel your pain! There seems to be a hay shortage here where I live, for a while I experimented with different brands, but nothing was approved. Now I have to travel God knows where to get the pigs' favourite hay :))
Just to clarify that it can feel like you are throwing out huge amounts of hay sometimes - I know I often feel like that - but it's not waste, it's just part of the process.
They aren't going to eat every piece, they will pick though and take out what they like, and pee and play with the rest.
Throwing a lot away is part and parcel of having piggies.