Have To Clip Nails ... Help!


Anniversary Herd
Mar 26, 2017
Reaction score
Broadstone, Dorset
I've been lucky and not had to clip piggie nails before. Tonight at the weekly check I noticed that nails where not long but a bit curvy so I'll have to clip them when I have bought some clippers tomorrow. What is the best way to go about this? How do you hold a piggie? If they are black or brown nails how do you tell where the quick ends and the nail starts? I know these are obvious questions to the initiated but I have never had to do this before.
I have seen some you tube videos on how to clip piggies nails, perhaps watch a few of them. I always find it's easier to watch someone do something than to read about it. I always take my two to the vets to get theirs done as I am a big wuss and I am afraid to hurt them and Coco has a black nail and even the vet nurse hates to clip it but that might be more because Coco bit her last time.
I ended up with a huge sweat and a great stress when I did it to my piggies... I was worried, they were reluctant... all the video on youtube seen, all the positions tried. I cut only 1mm and not all the nails. I am too afraid...
I tried also a silly thing... of course it was too silly for working fine: my daughter's NAIL FILE! :coat::evil:
Thanks it sounds like you tube to the rescue! As I have 5 pigs a trip to the Vets to clip toes on 20 feet gets expensive!
Like you I simply can not afford to take 4 piggies to the vet every time their nails need clipping, so I just had to make it work.
I also watched several You Tube Videos, and have discovered that every pig has their own preferred position for nail clipping.
Eddi and Lucy are pretty laid back, and DD1 pops them onto a cushion on her lap and feeds them something super tasty (a large dandelion leaf usually does the trick) while I dive in and clip everything on one side.
Then she turns them around the I do the other side.

Oreo is a little harder as she need to be held firmly, but is still do-able with just myself and DD1 (who is 12 and very competent with her guinea pigs).

Ruby on the other hand is a different story.
As soon as she sees the nail clippers she starts chattering her teeth.
In all honesty she is a total nightmare.
DD1 holds Ruby around the middle in a 'begging' position, with her bottom resting on a cushion and her back resting against DD1.
DH (oh yes - Ruby needs 3 people, including 2 adults to clip her nails) has a carrot or piece of apple which he keeps firmly in front of her mouth at all times.
I sit directly in front of DD1 and try my best not to get bitten if DH fails in his mission to keep Ruby's mouth occupied at all times.
Let's just say it would probably be funny if it wasn't actually me that had to do it.
Considering how little my girls (the adults) had been handled I was amazed at how calm they are when I do their nails. They stit very still and let me hold their feet, part their toes etc but I still find because of some curled nails, I can't get the right angle so I have my daughter help me. She usually holds the toe so I can turn the clippers around and snip the right bit. I don't think I could do it on my own, even with my well behaved girls!
Oooh, the joys of clipping piggie nails...it's never easy with my two boys. The fuss they make is unbelievable! They wriggle, squirm, bite me, and squeak! :))
Well the nail clippers have be purchased, just waiting for Tom to get home from school to hold the piggies firmly then I'll "bite the bullet"and go for it wish me luck! I'll let you know how I get on!
Well here is the piggy toe nail report ..... We took your advice @Swissgreys and bribed them with food for a start. Meg was OK with her nails being clipped she only wriggled a bit, Betsy needed more firm holding, Velvet was squeaked with indignation at having hers done. Boys next. Well we had to wrap up Christian tightly so he looked a bit like a Christian Sausage Roll so he couldn't move and then he was OK, Dennis decided if I was clipping his nails he was going to try and do mine too. Naughty piggy. He didn't succeed! I have just saved myself 40 quid!
I've been lucky and not had to clip piggie nails before. Tonight at the weekly check I noticed that nails where not long but a bit curvy so I'll have to clip them when I have bought some clippers tomorrow. What is the best way to go about this? How do you hold a piggie? If they are black or brown nails how do you tell where the quick ends and the nail starts? I know these are obvious questions to the initiated but I have never had to do this before.

Many of our new owners find it helpful to have it shown to them by a vet nurse. UK clinics often offer to do the job and show you how to best go about it for a small fee.

There is no one guide that fits all; it is down to what works best for you, whether that is clippers or scissors and how you get on with wigglers and piggies that pull their feet back suddenly.

If you are on your own, don't try to do all nails at once. Just as many as you can in one go. Get your piggies used to having their nails cut by manipulating their feet before nail clipping is necessary.
Piggy whispering can help with persistent wigglers: How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language